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Great white sharks scarcity in Gansbaai January 2016

Great white sharks scarcity in Gansbaai Janua...

On January 1st 2016, after an incredible December, white shark sightings began to slow down in Gansbaai. Cage diving operators are returning from sea reporting no sightings of white sharks despite extensive attempts to find them, for over a week......

Minister of Tourism goes Shark Cage Diving with Marine Dynamics

Minister of Tourism goes Shark Cage Diving wi...

Mr Derek Hanekom went diving with the sharks and assisted the releaes team, from the African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary, with a penguin release...

A Miniature Diver

A Miniature Diver

One of the frequently asked questions we get is, "Do you allow children in the cage?"...

Bronze Whaler Sharks

Bronze Whaler Sharks

About a month ago Marine Dynamics were paid a visit from a Bronzy while on a shark cage diving trip out at sea... 

Lilizela Tourism Award Winner

Lilizela Tourism Award Winner

Visitor experience award...

Shark Alley

Shark Alley

The 'McDonalds' drive-thru for Great White Sharks in Gansbaai...

Deployment Succcess

Deployment Succcess

On Thursday the 11th of June, our team, including our International Marine Volunteers, launched to deploy phase one of our acoustic receivers.

Marine Dynamics Daily Blog (1 July 2015)

Marine Dynamics Daily Blog (1 July 2015)

We launched from Gansbaai harbor this morning and spotted sharks, penguins, seals and a few Southern Right whales. Looks like more and more whales keep moving back in to the area......

How Great White Sharks Use Their Habitat

How Great White Sharks Use Their Habitat

From 2011 to 2012 several great white sharks were tracked in the area surrounding Dyer Island in Gansbaai, South Africa...

Rachels Angels Cocktail Evening

Rachels Angels Cocktail Evening

On Friday the 15th of May we hosted and sponsored a cocktail evening at The Great White House, Gansbaai for the Media24 Rachel's Angels bi-annual Market Day, which took place in Gansbaai on the 16th of May...

Best Wildlife Conservation

Best Wildlife Conservation

Wow we are super proud to announce that we are Gold winners in the category 'Best Wildlife Conservation' for the Responsible Tourism Awards......

Malcolm X Returns

Malcolm X Returns

Today saw the return of one of Marine Dynamics and my own favourites, Malcolm X...