Nurturing Young Minds Through the Magic of Bo...
At Hermanus Rainbow Trust, we believe in the transformative power of books and the joy of early literacy.
The Hermanus Rainbow Trust (HRT) is dedicated to keeping children engaged and safe during the school holidays from June 15th until schools reopen on July 9th. We recognize that school holidays can be a challenging time for many school-age children, and we're committed to offering a positive, enriching environment through our literacy and enrichment programmes.
To achieve this, we need your help!
• Donate: We are in need of cash donations and food items to provide refreshments for the children. During school days, many children rely on school meals for their daily nutrition, but during holidays, some face hunger. Your donations will ensure that they have nutritious food throughout this period.
• Volunteer: We welcome volunteers to join us and make a direct impact on the children's lives. Positions are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so don't hesitate to sign up and be part of this rewarding experience.
Contact us today to donate or volunteer!
Hermanus Rainbow Trust is a non-profit organisation that distributes its services to various support centres in Buffelsjag, Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus, Zwelihle, Kleinmond and Betty’s Bay. The organisation's main focus is to provide social development services and support, to orphans, vulnerable...
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Read MoreAt Hermanus Rainbow Trust, we believe in the transformative power of books and the joy of early literacy.
Parenting Worx is a flagship programme that has been developed by Hermanus Rainbow Trust and the University of Stellenbosch.
Hermanus Rainbow Trust is a non-profit organisation dedicated to making the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children a little brighter.
Caring for our orphans and vulnerable children!