
Letting Go of Past Hurt and Finding Happiness Within

Letting Go of Past Hurt and Finding Happiness Within

Juan Esterhuizen Life Enrichment Therapy Specialist Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring

Letting Go of Past Hurt and Finding Happiness Within: A Guide to Personal Growth

You can only be hurt or restrained by what happened in the past if you choose to do so. It would be to your benefit to rather put the negative events of the past that are preventing you from becoming the person you wish to be behind you.

Moving On

Rather take the bold decision to return the things of the past to the past because that is where they originated and that is where it belongs. Why choose to use past experiences as justification for where you are in life? Your current situation, or the pain, depression, negativity, anger, hurt, disease, or discomfort that you are experiencing. The past is gone. Release it, let it go and move on.

Uncovering Your Potential

Let go of those past experiences that prevent you from uncovering your true potential and finding happiness. Remember all new journeys start with the first step. Always bear the following in mind: "There is no failure, only feedback.” Choose to apply the lessons that you learned from your failures to empower you to reach your goals.

Avoiding Self-Pity: Discussing Flaws and Failures

Another thing… there is no benefit in discussing your flaws and failures with others. Too often, people discuss their flaws and failures with anyone prepared to listen. It is like passing out invitations to their pity parties where they unmask the distrust they have in themselves and put it on display for everyone to see. People who do this thrive on the “juice” in the form of the sympathy they create. They love to hear the words: “Shame, poor you.”

Breaking the Cycle

Remember once you get hooked on playing victim you only attract more of the things that caused you to be a victim in the first place. When you make this a habit it becomes a self-perpetuating cycle. Rather decide what it is that you desire in life and take action. Set goals and take steps to accomplish your goals.

Finding Happiness Within

Most people live in the world “without” because they think happiness is to be found in the world “out there.” They fail to recognise that true happiness is to be found within. The world outside is generated from within and is controlled by the law of attraction. The world within is creative, and everything you experience in the world without is due to what has been created within.

Changing the Cause

The world within is the cause… the world without is the effect. To change the effect, you must first change the cause. If there is chaos in your outside world, that means that there is chaos in your internal world. This is because your inside world reflects directly onto your outside world. Consider this for a moment and honestly ask yourself: “What does my life look like? What are the thoughts that dominate my mind? What am I constantly thinking about? How do I feel most of the time?”

Creating Your Life Story

Do some soul-searching and take a look at the circumstances that prevail in your life. If you are honest with yourself, you will recognise that you have created your dilemmas. If you have conflict, struggle, hate, anger, depression, and low self-esteem, it will be displayed in your outside world because this is how the law of attraction and reciprocity works. You attract what you constantly think about and your constant thoughts become your life story.

True Power is Within

What you seek in life cannot be attained by trying to control the outside world. Remember that you neither have carte blanch nor the power to control people or circumstances. The best way to get lasting results is to change yourself. True power is to be found within! 

As long as you continue using the same techniques that have failed to produce the results you desire, nothing will change. You will remain stuck. 

Unleash the power you have within to create the life story you want, get unstuck by booking a consultation with Juan Esterhuizen today!

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Letting Go of Past Hurt and Finding Happiness Within

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation & Life Coach

Juan Esterhuizen Life Enrichment Coach, Counsellor and Mentor provides an empathetic compassionate and confidential space in a safe and private rural environment where you can freely discuss your thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences. His approach is person-centred and solution-focused. Take ...

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