


Juan Esterhuizen Transformation & Life Coach


Any behaviour or circumstance that you resist will persist. If your life is not going according to plan, it may be because there is something you need to learn to rise above your circumstances. We have been placed on this planet to love, learn, and evolve. If you stop evolving, you will slowly but surely begin to deteriorate and eventually perish. This is one of the laws of the universe - the law of perpetual transmutation of energy. The best way to deal with circumstances that prevent you from achieving your goals is to embrace them and discover the lessons hidden within them. When you learn to apply the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, your life will be transformed. The moment you decide to take responsibility for your life and accept that things happen for a reason, you will no longer view yourself as a victim of your circumstances and your life will change drastically. When you take responsibility for your life and become conscious of the fact that the source of your happiness lies within you, a shift in perception will occur which will open avenues to new opportunities. Once you decide to embrace what life throws at you and regard adverse events as opportunities for learning and growth, you will prosper. 

When you apply the law of perpetual transmutation of energy, you will discover the resources you need to grow, and your problems will disappear. It is as simple as that. This concept may be new to you and may sound strange. You will most likely think; This is not how life works. Well, I also thought so when I first learned about this. I, however, took the bold step to embrace the idea and apply it and was amazed at how doing so changed my life.

I challenge you to be completely honest with yourself and ask, is my life the way I want it to be? If this question elicits any negative emotions, then ask yourself, can I continue living like this? And if I do, what will be the long-term consequences for my health, finances, and emotional well-being?

Remember, change begins with the first step. All you need is an open mind and a strong desire to do so. You have nothing to lose. Start by accepting responsibility for your situation. Remember, life is all about the choices we make and the consequences that follow. If you fight or resist your problems, they will only persist. When you try to forcefully resist life, it will push back with a much greater force than you can ever muster. If you resist the universe, you will inevitably lose the battle. Remember, it is not what life throws at you, but rather how you react to it. You can choose to view challenges as opportunities for growth or allow them to overwhelm you. You can choose to view adverse events as unfortunate circumstances that require change or as opportunities to learn and grow. If you choose the former, you will be using force to alter the circumstances. If you choose the latter, you will be using power. In his book Power versus Force, David Hawkins explains the concepts of power and force as follows: Whenever force meets power, force is always defeated. When you control your inner state, you control your results.


Juan Esterhuizen Transformation Psychologist & Life Coach

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation & Life Coach is an integrative life coach and trauma release therapist, based in Caledon. Offering a range of exclusive in-person and online counselling services, Juan is also available to travel to your destination for therapy sessions, locally and internationally. D...

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