
The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction

Juan Esterhuizen Life Enrichment Therapy Specialist Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring

The Law of Attraction

We have all had experiences where everything just worked out perfectly despite the odds. “Out of the blue” assistance appeared when you were stuck on the road. You stumbled upon a webpage that provided the answer you were looking for or there was a payment into your bank account just at the right time. These are examples of the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction expands upon the Law of Vibration in that we attract or create things, events, and people into our lives at the right time... when we need it most. As explained, thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which attract like energies. Because positive energies attract positive energies and vice versa, we need to at best, make sure that our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are positive. Admittedly this is not always easy because we live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with stories about violence, sexual abuse, greed, political issues, pandemics, corruption, etc. Whilst it may not be possible to completely shut ourselves off from negativity, we have the power of choice. We may choose how we react to the negative things that impact our lives.  

The Law of Attraction demonstrates the power of the mind and heart. It projects what is within and demonstrates the universe’s power to reciprocate. It is like a cosmic magnet that draws the things you predominantly focus on into your life. The beauty of the Law of Attraction is that, once you have passed a life test, it never recurs. You have crossed the hurdle successfully and transcended to a higher level of consciousness. On this advanced level, you will be confronted with tests that correspond to this stage of consciousness. We can compare this to the different levels at school. When you have mastered the work associated with a specific grade, you are promoted to the next grade. It is the same with the universal lessons. Once we have mastered the tests at a specific level of consciousness, we rise to a more advanced level. Should we however fail a life test, the universe will continue giving us challenges until we have mastered them. Only then can we transcend to the next level of consciousness. This is how humans grow and expand their consciousness. This is how we evolve.

The Law of Attraction

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation & Life Coach

Juan Esterhuizen Life Enrichment Coach, Counsellor and Mentor provides an empathetic compassionate and confidential space in a safe and private rural environment where you can freely discuss your thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences. His approach is person-centred and solution-focused. Take ...

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