
What is Transformation Coaching?

What is Transformation Coaching?

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation & Life Coach

What is Transformation Coaching?

Transformation Coaching is backed by evidence-based psychological science. It is a coaching style that enables individuals and groups to transform themselves into the best version of themselves.

Who needs transformation coaching?

Anyone who wishes to improve their life, unlock their true potential and become the best version of themself will benefit from transformation coaching.

What does a transformation coach do?

A transformation coach empowers clients to rethink and rewrite their reality. They equip their clients with the knowledge and tools that enable them to eliminate self-defeating thought patterns and replace them with productive ones.

What are the goals of transformation coaching? 

Transformation coaching elevates skills that induce independence, innovation, and creativity. It positively transforms the client’s way of being by helping them uncover their true inner potential. It is an intense form of coaching and is transformative for both the coach and their clients.

What is transformation coaching’s approach?

Transformation coaching is a person-centred approach where the aim is to assist the client in achieving a greater degree of integration and independence. The focus is on the person and not on the person’s problems. The main objective is to provide the client with the knowledge and tools that will assist them to better cope with problems as they identify them. 

What is the cornerstone of transformation coaching?

Transformation coaching draws heavily on the theoretical foundations of the humanistic ideas of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers and positive psychology. 

Maslow did an in-depth study of what he called self-actualizing people and found that they differed in important ways from so-called ‘normal’ individuals. He found the core characteristics of self-actualizing individuals to be self-awareness, freedom to be themselves, honesty, caring, trust, and autonomy. Other characteristics that self-actualizing individuals display are the capacity to welcome uncertainty in their lives, acceptance of themselves and others, spontaneity, creativity, a need for privacy and solitude, autonomy, a capacity for deep interpersonal relationships, a genuine caring for others, an inner directedness (as opposed to living by other’s standards and expectations) and a keen sense of humour. 

What is self-actualization?

Self-actualization implies the pinnacle of self-development, where the client realizes their holistic potential, and transformation coaching is geared to provide what the client needs to help them on their path to self-actualization.

By following the transformation model of coaching, transformation coaches take on the role of trainers, mentors, friends, confidants, and motivators to unlock their client’s true potential and help to turn their dreams and desires into reality.

What is Transformation Coaching?

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation Psychologist & Life Coach

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation & Life Coach is an integrative life coach and trauma release therapist, based in Caledon. Offering a range of exclusive in-person and online counselling services, Juan is also available to travel to your destination for therapy sessions, locally and internationally. D...

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