Self Care Reminder

Self Care Reminder

Mai Co.

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Self Care Reminder

Calm in the middle of a solar storm...

How many of these are you feeling at the moment:

 • Heightened emotions

 • Sleep issues, exhaustion

 • Feeling lethargic

 • Irritability and restlessness

 • Concentration issues, forgetfulness

 • Anxiety, nervousness, jittery

 • Short-tempered, reactive

 • Overwhelming grief or euphoria

 • Feeling of time speeding up

 • Loss of words when speaking

 • Body aches, pains and headaches

These are the classic effects of the solar storms and solar flares on our biological systems, as the magnetic energy is built up in the solar atmosphere and released. 

Not only does geomagnetic solar storms cause planetary disturbances like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and hurricanes... but it causes human disturbance as well. 

Solar activity is known to influence human consciousness, affect the central nervous system, all brain activity, human behavior, and all mental/emotional/physical responses.

It exerts a powerful effect on the cellular level by causing cellular memories to awaken and clear. Simply put - high-frequency sun waves try to elevate low-frequency waves in our systems like unprocessed emotions or traumas from the past and this may result in spontaneous release of lower emotions like sadness, grief and anger...

Basically helping you to break old patterns that are no longer needed, so new healthier happy patterns can emerge. 

This is all good news... but can be overwhelming... so how do we cope with all of this? Firstly acknowledge that we need to manage ourselves with self love, and actively pursue SELF CARE...

 • Be mindful, and choose not to be offended by responses and outbursts of others 

 • Get some fresh air, and get into nature... wet those toes, go for a swim

 • Eat healthy food

 • Rest


 • Exercise

 • Avoid harsh energy and negative people

 • My personal favourite.... use your ESSENTIAL OILS... the best arsensal that you can have at such times. Apply them topically, use in your bath or diffuser.

Here are my favourites: 

 • Ylang-ylang - emotional balancer, creates peace and dispels anger

 • Neroli - the rescue remedy of essential oils, calming and destressing

 • Vetiver - grounding, aids sleep, protects against oversensitivity

 • Sandalwood - quietens mental chatter

 • Bergamot - brings joy, calming especially if there is a heart disturbance, radiates joy and healing to others

 • Rose - brings healing to the heart, especially if grief caused it to close down

Try this diffuser blend today: 

 • 2 drops Frankincense oil

 • 2 drops Cedarwood oil

 • 2 drops Sweet Orange

All these essential oils and a variety of roller blends are available to purchase directly from us at our online store here or feel free to visit us at Hermanus Country Market every Saturday. 

Self Care Reminder

Mai Co.

Mai Co. products are made from all natural ingredients and are suitable for the whole family. The Hermanus-based company use essential oils and herbs as a base for their handmade, eco-friendly, product range that includes over 80 items such as toiletries, baby products, essential blends, fragrant li...

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