
4 x Finance Internships at Overstrand Municipality

4 x Finance Internships at Overstrand Municipality

Overstrand Municipality

4 x Finance Internships at Overstrand Municipality

Overstrand Municipality invites applicants to apply for their Finance Internship Programme. This internship will fun for the period of 36 months.

Closing date: Monday, 27 July 2020 at 15:00

VACANCY: Municipal Finance Management Internship Programme, MFMIP Three-year Contract X 4 (Hermanus)

Minimum requirements:

• At least a three-year Bachelor’s degree or National Diploma with majors in:

- Accounting

- Economics

- Finance

- Risk Management and/or Auditing

- Public Administration, among others

• Willingness to sign an internship agreement in addition to the employment contract to ensure commitment to the programme which require, amongst other, full participation in the educational and workplace assignments and observance of policies and procedures.

• The candidate must be between the ages of 21 and 35.

Applications can be forward to the Senior Manager: Human Resources, Overstrand Municipality, PO Box 20, Hermanus 7200 or fax/email to 086 496 7735/

* Applications/supporting documents larger than 4MB sent via email will not be accepted.

You can browse our vacancies by clicking on this link.

4 x Finance Internships at Overstrand Municipality

Overstrand Municipality

In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...

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