Snake Awareness Course: Essential Insights an...
Twelve municipal officials from the parks and environmental departments attended a hands-on snake awareness course...
Be sure to save the number on your cellphone.
GENERAL ENQUIRIES (office hours 07:45 - 16:30)
Municipal accounts, progress with approval of building plans, etc.
• Overstrand Switchboard 028 313 8000
• Kleinmond 028 271 8400/04
• Hermanus 028 313 8000/8111
• Stanford 028 341 8500/16
• Gansbaai 028 384 8300/28
• 028 313 8111
Issues such as burst water pipes, potholes, streetlights, vandalism, etc.
We encourage residents to report incidents and ask for a REFERENCE NUMBER. Thereafter quote it in all correspondence or telephone discussions relating to that particular request as it provides call-traceability for both parties.
When lodging an infrastructure-related complaint please provide full details, such as name, surname, cell phone and email address as well as the nature and address of the incident.
• 028 312 2400
For fire, flood, accident or medical emergencies.
• 028 313 8980
Disaster management, security services and safety issues.
LAW ENFORCEMENT COMPLAINTS (office hours 07:45 – 16:30)
• 028 313 8996
Day-to-Day complaints such as barking dogs, illegal dumping, vagrants, etc.
When reporting an incident, please state clearly at what address the incident took place and also supply a contact number. Provide as much information as you can.
• 072 028 0008
The Overstrand Municipality Facebook page is only used to keep residents abreast of what is happening. It is a platform where information is shared. Please note that social media is not viewed by the Municipality as a formal communication channel to lodge a complaint.
In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...
View ProfileXplorio is your local connection allowing you to find anything and everything about a town.
Read MoreTwelve municipal officials from the parks and environmental departments attended a hands-on snake awareness course...
MUNICIPAL BANKING DETAILS: Double-check the account name before making any payments.
Walker Bay Orchid Society was established in 1994 in the Sandbaai and Hermanus area in the Western Cape by a group of Orchid enthusiasts.
We are thrilled to announce that the Collab Citizen Application has updated their look.
Save the date! SARS Mobile to visit Overstrand in September 2024.
Rabies detected in the Cape Fur Seal population has spread from beaches.