Spike in Armed Robberies in Overstrand

Spike in Armed Robberies in Overstrand

Overstrand Municipality

Spike in Armed Robberies in Overstrand

Law enforcement officers from the Overstrand K9 and Task Team Unit warn that there has been a significant increase in armed robberies in the Overstrand area, and urge the community to be vigilant.

According to Johan du Toit, Assistant Chief of Law Enforcement and Task Team, most of the victims were attacked in broad daylight.

“These criminals appear only to be in and out for easy pickings, but there is always the worry of personal injury,” he said.

Don’t make it easy for criminals - adhere to the following:

•    Don’t become complacent about personal security

•    Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you uneasy, leave the area

•    When out and about, be aware of your surroundings and the people around you

•    Close gates, set alarms, get to know your neighbours and resident associations and be alert

•    Avoid carrying large amounts of cash

•    Do not attract unwanted attention by openly displaying cameras or other valuables

•    Motorists should refrain from keeping anything of value on the seats where items are easily visible

•    Don’t take unnecessary risks - don’t walk or hike alone. Solo cycling is discouraged

•    If you choose to go for a walk along the cliff path or go for a hike in our nature reserves, tell somebody where you're going and when to expect you back

•    Memorise emergency numbers and program them as speed dials onto your mobile phone.

Emergency contact numbers:

•    028 313 5300 HERMANUS POLICE

•    028 384 0201 GANSBAAI POLICE

•    028 341 0601 STANFORD POLICE

•    028 271 8200 KLEINMOND POLICE



•    028 312 2400 in case of a fire, flood or medical emergency

•    028 313 8980 for security and safety issues

•    028 313 8000 for general enquiries / accounts

•    028 313 8111 for emergencies relating to basic services / municipal infrastructure

•    028 313 8996 law enforcement day-to-day complaints

Spike in Armed Robberies in Overstrand

Overstrand Municipality

In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...

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