
Become a Sea Turtle Rescuer with Two Ocean’s Aquarium

Become a Sea Turtle Rescuer with Two Ocean’s Aquarium

Overstrand Municipality

Become a Sea Turtle Rescuer with Two Ocean’s Aquarium

The ultimate aim of the Two Oceans Aquarium turtle rescue, rehabilitation and release programme is to get turtles back into the ocean as soon as possible after they are stranded along the Cape Coast. Stranded sea turtles range in size from 25g up to 80kg. Most times the rehabilitation process takes a few weeks, but sometimes it can take years. With the help of various friends of the aquarium, such as the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) and Hooked on Africa, most turtles can be released off the coast of Cape Town. Larger sea turtles are usually tagged, while hatchlings are chipped so that they can be identified again at a later stage if they are stranded again.

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How To Rescue A Stranded Sea Turtle

A quick response time is imperative if you want to save the life of a sea turtle stranded on the beach, or in the shallows. 

 • Check if the turtle responds to touch (they often appear dead due to hypothermia)
 • Stay away from their mouths (they can bite, especially when afraid)
 • Keep the turtle dry and do not try to put it back in the ocean
 • Remember, like humans, sea turtles breathe air and will suffocate if they can’t lift their heads out of the water or are smothered by a towel, sand or a closed container
 • Use an open container to transport hatchlings
 • Lift larger turtles by their shells if you have to move them
 • Make sure the turtle is secure and can’t fall if you have to transport it on the back of a bakkie

What To Do With A Rescued Sea Turtle In The Overstrand

The African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary Rescue helpline can be notified about turtle and any other marine animal strandings. They will pass the information on to the relevant network. 


0725987117 or 0829075607

Become a Sea Turtle Rescuer with Two Ocean’s Aquarium

Overstrand Municipality

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