Women Action Group in Hermanus

Women Action Group in Hermanus

Overstrand Municipality

Women Action Group in Hermanus


The Women Action Group in Hermanus have used Youth Day celebrations and the long weekend as an opportunity to raise awareness of violence against women and children in the Overstrand and mobilise all communities to stand firm against gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual harassment.

We all need to look at ourselves and say Enough is Enough.

Overstrand Executive Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie, Deputy Mayor, Lindile Ntsabo, members of Hermanus Police and Overstrand Association for Persons with Disabilities (OAPD) joined the community as they walked from the Zwelihle Taxi rank to the Zwelihle Sport Station, where they were met by Overberg District Municipality's Deputy Mayor Archie Klaas for a community dialogue on the matter.

Overstrand’s fire fighters, traffic services, law enforcement officers, Task Team and K9-unit as well as Disaster Management also joined the march to show their support.

The programme included singing, dancing, testimonies by survivors of abuse and speakers to educate as many people as possible and get them involved in programmes to fight GBV. 

The individual lighting of candles to celebrate survivors of gender-based violence and to think about those who have lost their lives and the abuse they received, was very touching.

Mayor Rabie asked residents to accept one another and to show tolerance irrespective of who you are. 

“To just say enough is enough, is not enough. Let’s start at home”. She strongly advised parents who have children who prefer to have relationship with the same sex, to accept them.

She committed herself to setting up a meeting with the Magistrate’s Court and other role players to discuss how to give victims the maximum protection from domestic abuse - “we do not want rapist in our communities: they must go.”

The mayor encouraged residents and all organisations involved to come up with a plan of how the Municipality can help communities to create safe spaces, especially safe houses.

She thanked the Women Action Group for all the help and guidance they give and for helping to build an Overstrand for All.

Women Action Group in Hermanus

Overstrand Municipality

In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...

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