Snake Awareness Course: Essential Insights an...
Twelve municipal officials from the parks and environmental departments attended a hands-on snake awareness course...
Overstrand Municipality will be hosting a job summit from 21 to 23 November 2022 in the Hermanus Auditorium.
This initiative by the municipality's Local Economic Development Department aims to facilitate the creation of an environment that is conducive to sustainable entrepreneurial growth and job creation.
Day 1 will include an exhibition by employment agencies and presentations focussed on job opportunities, job readiness and recruitment practices.
On day 2, there will be a keynote address highlighting the need for area-specific, issue-based partnerships to improve the plight of the jobless and to, simultaneously, facilitate entrepreneurial growth. This will be followed by panel discussions on how to make the most of the possibilities offered.
Day 3 will focus on strategic collaboration, economic recovery, and the need to eliminate unnecessary red tape.
For the duration of the summit, several institutions including the Grootbos Foundation, Hermanus Learning Hub, Boland College, Nedbank, Department of Tourism, Department of Labour and the National Youth Development Agency will man exhibits in the banqueting hall next to the auditorium which attendees can visit at leisure.
To book your seat and to request a detailed programme, call Noxolo Liwani on 028 313 8949 or email
In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...
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Read MoreTwelve municipal officials from the parks and environmental departments attended a hands-on snake awareness course...
MUNICIPAL BANKING DETAILS: Double-check the account name before making any payments.
Walker Bay Orchid Society was established in 1994 in the Sandbaai and Hermanus area in the Western Cape by a group of Orchid enthusiasts.
We are thrilled to announce that the Collab Citizen Application has updated their look.
Save the date! SARS Mobile to visit Overstrand in September 2024.
Rabies detected in the Cape Fur Seal population has spread from beaches.