Special: Free Family B.E.S.T Therapy Session and Discounted Intensive Course

Town: Hermanus
Starts: July 04, 2024
Expires: September 30, 2024
By: Sue Leppan Transformation Facilitator & Life Coach

Free Family B.E.S.T Therapy Session and Discounted Intensive Course

Did you know? Neurologists suggest that you can transform your life in just 7 days, with new neurological pathways forming in as little as 10 days.

If you're ready to make a change and take charge of your transformation, I'm here to support you every step of the way. As a transformation and life coach, I believe in holistic change for maximum impact on both body and mind. Gain knowledge, find focus, set sustainable goals, quiet your mind, and apply powerful techniques to unlock your potential for growth and change.

Special Offers:

• Sign up before 30th September 2024 for weekly sessions and receive your first Family B.E.S.T Therapy session free, along with a complimentary first consultation.
• Enroll before 30th September 2024 in an intensive 20-hour course (4 days) and enjoy a 7.5% discount. The introductory consultation is free of charge.

Client Testimonial:

See what a client says who recently completed a week intensive course. This client was looking for “a way out”. Everything in preparation for the sessions was on how to make an end to it all. With compassion, understanding, training, using powerful techniques, and clearing the memory as the body carries it, she could switch her thoughts from a negative perspective to a positive one.

"Ek het by Sue aangekom met ‘n groot frustrasie. Ek wou net “poof” uit die lewe verdwyn en was baie gefrustreerd omdat ek nie wettig kan besluit wanneer ek my lewe wil beeindig nie. Na ‘n week saam met Sue, het ek energie en lewenslus terug. Sy het my huis toe gestuur met 'tools' om hierdie opwindende reis verder te stap. Ek is ewig dankbaar aan haar dat sy my visie vergroot het van 40 ° na 180 °."

Please use this discounted code when booking your free session: SLT&LC Winter

Terms and Conditions:

• Sessions are subject to availability.
• The intensive course requires advance payment.
• Weekly session payment is due at the end of each session.

Transform your life today with Sue Leppan Transformation Facilitator & Life Coach!

Enquire Now