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Sakkie & Saartjie Cottages "Crowned" With New Thatch Roofs

Sakkie & Saartjie Cottages "Crowned" With New...

Once upon a time three tiny houses were built using raw brick and lime. As tradition dictated, their poplar roof rafters were covered with thatching reed from the region.

De Volkshuijs
Sakkie and Saartjie Cottages

Sakkie and Saartjie Cottages

There are more to the cottages, Sakkie and Saartjie than you could ever imagine!

De Volkshuijs
Wonderful Worker's Day

Wonderful Worker's Day

Can bare earth be turned into a lush flowerbed after 200 years? Team De Volkshuijs made a difference on Worker's Day 2006.

De Volkshuijs
Where in the world

Where in the world

Fond memories of a childhood pleasure...

De Volkshuijs
Romantic Weekend Getaway

Romantic Weekend Getaway

No matter what the question is, the answer is a romantic weekend breakaway at De Volkshuijs!

De Volkshuijs