5-Star Premium Status for Grootbos

5-Star Premium Status for Grootbos

Gans-Berg Nuus / News


5-Star Premium Status for Grootbos

Congratulations to Grootbos Private Nature Reserve for being awarded the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa’s highest rating status of 5-Star Premium. Grootbos is not just known for its luxury product offering, but also for what the business does for the surrounding communities and the environment.

Overstrand Municipality’s Executive Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie, congratulated Grootbos Private Nature Reserve for being awarded the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa’s highest rating status of 5-Star Premium.

Only four properties received this award of excellence on 18 May 2022 at We Are Africa, the gathering of luxury travel brands, in Cape Town. This grading status that was introduced in 2019 is for properties that exceed the requirements set for 5-star grading.

Mayor Rabie said: “This latest recognition celebrates Grootbos’s continuous attempts to innovate and create at the highest standards. This is a remarkable example of how much can be achieved through a committed approach to responsible tourism.”

Grootbos is not just known for its luxury product offering, but also for what the business does for the surrounding communities and the environment. Their conservation work is well known and documented. Most recently, the Grootbos Florilegium was created as a commitment to the preservation of nature.

Overstrand Municipality was privileged to join We Are Africa in sharing information about the region to encourage increased tourism bookings and visits. This was the third travel and tourism show attended this year. After an absence of two years, it is imperative to reconnect with all facets of the industry, most importantly African and International buyers.

Issued by Dr Annelie Rabie

Office of the Overstrand Executive Mayor

5-Star Premium Status for Grootbos

Gans-Berg Nuus / News

Gans-Berg Nuus is a weekly bilingual community newspaper serving Gansbaai and the surrounding Overstrand areas. With a front page that alternates between Afrikaans and English each week, Gans-Berg Nuus / News is proud to be a platform that stays up to date with local news stories, important municipa...

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