Durban Indaba

Durban Indaba

Gansbaai Courant

Die bedrywige Durban Indaba is vanjaar vanaf 6 tot 8 Mei aangebied en Glenda Kitley, Bestuurder Gansbaai Toerisme was een van die verteenwoordigers van Cape Whale Coast, met die ander twee as Frieda Lloyd en Adinda Jantjies. “LED Director, Mr Soli Madikane and Councilor Dudley Coetzee represented the Overstrand Municipality,” Glenda said. “The tourism trade show attracting tour operators and media from all over the world.”

Ander Gansbaai produkte wat ook uitgestal is, is dié van Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, White Shark Projects, Marine Dynamics and Dyer Island Conservation Trust. Glenda sê die opening van die Indaba is deur die Minister van Toerisme, minister Derek Hanekom waargeneem. Uitstallers se produkte het onder andere produkte van Afrika en Suid-Afrika ingesluit. Dan was daar ook enkele tegniese praatjies en aanbiedinge met die oog op opleiding.

The networking and sharing of information is not limited to stand appointments, but also to functions, chance meetings on the shuttles and in restaurants. Business cards  and promotional items were exchanged and business is important but many lasting friendships were formed. Social media is of course a top priority and delegates and exhibitors tweeted and uploaded to instagram continually keeping the vibe alive. “From our side - a successful Indaba once again,” Glenda said. “It does not end now that we are back. As a matter of fact the follow-up is almost more important as relationships have to be maintained and marketing continued.”

Hardus Botha

Durban Indaba

Hardus Botha

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