Clients over 60 take note / Kliënte bo 60 neem kennis
Kliënte bo 60 jaar van ouderdom is welkom om hulle bestellings met kontak besonderhede deur te bel of WhatsApp na 065 939 2760. Ons sal dan die bestelling reg kry vir u om te kom betaal en op te tel by die winkel teen 'n spesifieke tyd.
Clients over 60 years of age are welcome to phone or WhatsApp their orders with full contact details to 065 939 2760. We will then get your order ready for payment and pick up at a specific time.
Ons is oop Maandag tot Donderdag vanaf 09:00 tot 17:00 onder streng Covid-19 regulasies.
We are open Monday to Thursday from 09:00 - 17:00 under strict Covid-19 regulations.