Platbos Forest

Platbos Forest

GansbaaiCourant WhatsApp Nuus / News

The happy “tree-planting” family members of Greenpop at Platbos Forest

 “Forests have always looked after humanity: now it is our turn to look after the forests. The Reforest Fests have become an integral part of our project, and the love and joy that they bring to the forest each May is a huge gift that nurtures the roots of this future forest, replanted in the land that was once its home.” - Melissa Krige, Platbos Conservancy.

Platbos, a relic forest near Gansbaai containing many trees of over 1000 years of age, forms part of one of the rare and endangered ecosystems of the Western Cape and has a unique mix of indigenous trees from coastal and mountainous regions.

Like many natural forests around the world, parts of Platbos have been cleared over the past decades for cultivation. Today, many of these cleared areas are being taken over by dense invasive alien vegetation, which pose a serious fire risk to the forest.

In response to this issue, Melissa and Francois Krige of Platbos have launched the Trees for Tomorrow reforestation programme. Through this, endemic seeds are harvested from the forest, reared in the Platbos Forest Tree Nursery and then replanted to expand the forest.

The upcoming Greenpop Reforest Fest will aim to protect and grow the Platbos forest through two reforestation festivals, where tree-planting efforts are coupled with fun activities and opportunities for volunteers to experience and enjoy the forest.

The first is a Family Fest (9-11 May), which will be suitable for families of all ages. It will have a relaxing and fun music vibe on the Saturday evening that will end around 10:30pm and will also feature varied educational activities for kids, teens and adults.

The second weekend is a Friends Fest (16-18 May), which will have more of an upbeat dancing festival atmosphere on the Saturday evening.

Melissa Krige can be contacted at 082-411-0448 or send an email to her at

Platbos Forest

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