
The Gorgeous Gansbaai Arts Project is on the Move – Two New Murals in

The Gorgeous Gansbaai Arts Project is on the Move – Two New Murals in

Gorgeous Gansbaai ARTS Project

The Gorgeous Gansbaai Arts Project is on the Move – Two New Murals in Progress!


The Gorgeous Gansbaai Arts Project is on the move, with our next two murals happening already!

Thanks to Nettie and Bilhah for our first mural in Franskraal,at the Franskraal Superette Ice Cream Shop! Magnificent!

Today, we begin painting at Annie's Pies, on the main road. This mural is going to be focusing on ocean conservation and anti - sea pollution .

Gansbaai won the number one Responsible Tourism Destination Town, in South Africa, in 2015.

GGAP is working towards, and focusing on, growing Gansbaai to be the number one Responsible Tourism Destination in the World, through our mural content, and other community initiatives.

The Gorgeous Gansbaai Arts Project, is committed to build our new Gansbaai, through our various initiatives, including recycling, murals that depict nature and ocean conservation, education in the schools, and raising up NATION BUILDERS, who will join us to build our Gorgeous, Generous, Kind and Caring Gansbaai, together, for all, by daily meeting needs, with our gifts of kindness.

We are delighted to collaborate with Gansbaai Tourism, on a number of exciting projects, watch this space for more information!

The Gorgeous Gansbaai Arts Project is on the Move – Two New Murals in

Gorgeous Gansbaai ARTS Project

The Gorgeous Gansbaai ARTS Project is a vibrant community initiative dedicated to transforming local streets, communal spaces and shop fronts using art. Artistic expressions include murals and sculptures, some created with recycled materials. This project champions Gansbaai as a model for responsibl...

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