Congratulations Apiwe!

Congratulations Apiwe!

Grootbos Foundation


It is a happy day, but also a sad day for the Green Futures Nursery! Apiwe, one of our 2010 students, who also worked for our nursery, after working for Superplants in Hermanus, is spreading her wings.  Apiwe has gotten a job as a groundsman at the Kirstenbosch Wholesale Nursery! We wish her luck and hope that she we will be happy in her new job! We will come and visit! 

Congratulations Apiwe!

Susan Lochner

Grootbos Foundation is a registered non-profit organisation in Gansbaai committed to conserving the Cape Floral Kingdom and uplifting the communities that reside within it. The foundation protects more than 22,200ha of fynbos landscape and biodiversity on Grootbos Private Nature Reserve and the Walk...

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