Sky to Sea: Georgina Harwood's once in a life...
100 Year old Georgina diving with the Great White Sharks...
100 Year old Georgina diving with the Great White Sharks...
Marine Dynamics and the Dyer Island Conservation Trust’s ultimate goal is to protect the Great White Shark...
Have you ever pet a shark (not that we condone shark petting!)? Shark skin is smooth if you rub them from head to tail, but rough if you go tail to head. This is because shark skin is actually teeth and this shark blog explains ...
Yet another great day out at sea and the sun is finally back after a couple of cloudy days...
With an early start this morning we headed out to brave the cold in our search for the Great White Shark!
On Tuesday, 3rd September 2013, the internationally acclaimed MasterChef series broadcast their visit to the Dyer Island Conservation Trust.
Sharing the best photo from our daily Shark Cage Diving trips in Gansbaai.
Sharing the best photo from our daily Shark Cage Diving trips in Gansbaai.
Sharing the best photo from our daily Shark Cage Diving trips in Gansbaai.