Double-Check Overstrand Municipality Account ...
MUNICIPAL BANKING DETAILS: Double-check the account name before making any payments.
If you receive an indigent subsidy and own more than one property and/or do not live on the property, contact the municipal office urgently to avoid repayment.
Overstrand Municipality offers indigent residents an opportunity of amnesty to ensure they don’t have to repay benefits.
1. Make sure you qualify for an indigent grant since property valuations may have changed
2. Verify your previous accounts for grants received and see if you are in line with the current approved indigent Policy
3. If not, apply for amnesty to avoid repayment of previously awarded subsidy
The deadline is 31 December 2021.
Who has to repay the subsidy received?
1. Residents who receive a subsidy, but are owners of more than one property and/or
2. Residents who don’t occupy/reside on the property for which the subsidy has been approved
**If you do not meet the criteria after the deadline, monies will have to be repaid for subsidy received.
Please send an email to or contact a Client Services Officer at your nearest Rates Hall for assistance or phone 028 313 8000/8912 or HERMANUS Administration - Tel: 028 313 8000, GANSBAAI/STANFORD Administration - Tel: 028 028 384 8300 or Tel: 028 341 8500, KLEINMOND Administration - Tel: 028 271 8400
In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...
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Read MoreMUNICIPAL BANKING DETAILS: Double-check the account name before making any payments.
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