What You Really Want in Life
Would you keep track today of where your focus is?
Would you keep track today of where your focus is?
It is not about leaping to the top - it is about the small, disciplined, dedicated, steps that brings growth and strength.
We know that thoughts create our reality.
Confidence is not only about walking into a room feeling secure within yourself.
That which you are searching for to make your life fulfilled, happy, joyous, and peaceful all lies within you.
No matter how you reason you are body, mind, and soul/spirit.
Stop waiting on the approval of others.
If you have even the slightest inclination of the power you hold, your life will explode into the most amazing reality you can dream about.
How loud is your inner-critic? Does your inner voice lead to calm and peace, or does it lead to fear and doubt?
While you struggle with a busy mind, destructive and self-sabotaging inner talk, and being your own ultimate critic, you will find it very difficult to have a clear path towards your ultimate future.
How often did your dream or goal come true, only to be spoiled by something "unforeseen?"
Acknowledge your limitations, let them go as they do not serve you, feel the fire that is you within, allow it to grow and burst open into the powerful you that is waiting.