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Self-Realization and the Journey of Self

Self-Realization and the Journey of Self

Most people reach a stage where they start to question: “Why am I here?” “Is this all there is to life?” “Who am I?” “What is my purpose?”

Embrace Your 'Shadow' Self

Embrace Your 'Shadow' Self

Carl Jung spoke about the "shadow" as the unconscious parts of ourselves that we deny.

Let go of excessive guilt

Let go of excessive guilt

How often do you feel guilty when you take time for yourself?

Find Your Serene Power

Find Your Serene Power

Have you ever had the privilege to sit quietly and watch an elephant? 

Upgrade Your Personal Operating System

Upgrade Your Personal Operating System

Your "personal operating system" has one function, and that is your survival.

Be Happy Every Day

Be Happy Every Day

What would your day look like if you did not wait for a reason to be happy?

What is your larger than life goal?

What is your larger than life goal?

Early this morning a client called to ask: Do I do the "huge" goal - so outrageous that other people might think I have lost it.

How A Transformation Coach Can Help Trauma Release

How A Transformation Coach Can Help Trauma R...

In our general life, many people experience trauma. It is not for us to say what constitutes as trauma for any specific person.

Show Up For Yourself Everyday

Show Up For Yourself Everyday

When you are filled with fear and doubt, decide to take a small step forward towards your goal.

What is your heart dream?

What is your heart dream?

How often have you allowed your dreams to fade, even before you have started? 

Feel Alive in the Present

Feel Alive in the Present

Every person reaches a stage in their life where they question the meaning of all of this.

How A Transformation Coach Can Help Psychosomatic “Illnesses”

How A Transformation Coach Can Help Psychoso...

The word Psychosomatic indicates: a discomfort or illness that finds its origin in a mental factor, such as stress or inner conflict.