Music School - Partnering with a Music Academ...
Exciting news! Ecclesia Centre will be partnering with a music academy that focuses on rural communities.
Exciting news! Ecclesia Centre will be partnering with a music academy that focuses on rural communities.
A big thank you from the Ecclesia Centre team to Dylan Padayachee and his fellow learners!
Ecclesia Centre fundraiser this Friday at 12noon.
Ecclesia Centre is a non-profit organization that is the umbrella for 17 soup kitchens.
Thank you to LRV Security for the temporary loan of their vehicle so that we can collect and distribute the much needed food and clothing to our community.
Thank you, Heidi Louw, for your acts of kindness, especially to our young and vulnerable children in Villiersdorp.
Ecclesia Centre is a registered NPO organization that serves all of Villiersdorp and its surroundings.
Ecclesia Centre acknowledged all soup kitchens under the Umbrella of Ecclesia.