
Fire Fighter’s Day 2024

Fire Fighter’s Day 2024

Gans-Berg Nuus / News

Fire Fighter’s Day 2024

‘Old’ news (on FaceBook) is ‘old’ news and will be forgotten after a while, but news as important as Overstrand Firefighters showing their mettle on International Firefighters’ Day (IFFD) on the 4th of May 2024 cannot be forgotten as easy as that. It is a day to celebrate the risks and the work that firefighters do day to day. It is also a day in which current and past firefighters can be thanked for their contributions. This year, the City of Cape Town hosted the event at the Athlone Stadium on Saturday, 4 May. The day was filled with various displays of vehicles and tools as well as demonstrations of firefighting and rescuing techniques. Visitors were able to interact with emergency services staff, and even have a crack at some of the fitness challenge tasks. One of the highlights is the firefighter fitness competition. It involved a gruelling series of exercises which tested skill, strength and discipline while following proper procedure and safety regulations. Overstrand’s Siwaphiwe Nxusani and Jason Griffiths walked away with first and third place in the individual fitness challenge for Men between 20 - 30 years. Rookie Firefighter Nxusani participated for the first time this year and was also crowned as the overall winner of the competition. He started as a Chrysalis intern and is currently part of the municipality’s contract firefighters under the mentorship of firefighter Suzaan Stanley-Louw.

Overstrand Executive Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie, congratulated Nxusani for winning the individual fitness challenge. “It is a remarkable achievement and a very good example to all the Chrysalis interns that hard work and dedication will bring good results”. She added: “The whole Overstrand is celebrating with the Protection Services Directorate to mark your victory, and I am proud of you all”. Mayor Rabie said while activities on International Firefighters’ Day focus on the camaraderie among the men and women who serve to protect, it also allows the public the opportunity to show respect for firefighters across the world and recognise the selfless sacrifices firefighters have to make in the line of duty. She praised the Overstrand firefighters and core emergency services for their willingness to assist to ensure that their communities and environment are as safe as possible.
Information provided by the Overstrand Municipality

Fire Fighter’s Day 2024

Gans-Berg Nuus / News

Gans-Berg Nuus is a weekly bilingual community newspaper serving Gansbaai and the surrounding Overstrand areas. With a front page that alternates between Afrikaans and English each week, Gans-Berg Nuus / News is proud to be a platform that stays up to date with local news stories, important municipa...

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