
Art Project Brings Colourful Murals to Main Road

Art Project Brings Colourful Murals to Main Road

Gans-Berg Nuus / News

Art Project Brings Colourful Murals to Main Road

The initiative of Louise Swart and Laurette Nel lead to an Art Project for colourful paintings on buildings in Gansbaai. The theme will be fynbos, marine life, birdlife, etc. The ladies, all of them local artists, started last week with this amazing project. First on their list was Karin Franken’s Kaliko (see pictures).

Firstly certain “walls” of buildings in Main Road will be identified and then later other buildings as well. The idea is to paint them and then later to create the Gansbaai Amble. Some buildings have been identified due to the way they look. Owners / Landlords are encouraged to buy in with financial and other assistance - they can choose the mural they want.

Their Aim:

To invite all to be nation builders to share their gifts to transform and grow Gansbaai to become the marine ecotourism and, recycling destination in the Western Cape

Their Vision:

To grow Gansbaai using the creative arts and recycled art pieces to enhance and add value to local businesses.

Their Mission: 

Using the creative arts to enhance and grow local business and draw more tourism to Gansbaai; to put Gansbaai on the map by developing our village to be the Number 1 Marine Eco-tourism town in SA as well as a responsible tourism destination, and to stimulate; to grow new economies for all locals; to educate and empower our local communities using the creative arts; to create a national and international artist’s retreats and experiences to further stimulate the economy in Gansbaai.

The project needs the following gifts of kindness to succeed:

Finances to purchase paint, plaster materials occasionally, art materials, artist gifts (mostly covered by the business owner), flag project and other donations. Contact numbers for the co-ordinators are Louise Swart at 083 777 9061 and Laurette Nel at 082 334 2607.

Glenda Kitley is the administrator of the project, and she can be contacted at 072 291 5564 for any enquiries, as well as banking details.

Hardus Botha

Art Project Brings Colourful Murals to Main Road

Gans-Berg Nuus / News

Gans-Berg Nuus is a weekly bilingual community newspaper serving Gansbaai and the surrounding Overstrand areas. With a front page that alternates between Afrikaans and English each week, Gans-Berg Nuus / News is proud to be a platform that stays up to date with local news stories, important municipa...

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