The Masked Spa Se Verjaarsdag
In 2023, aan die begin van Desembermaand, het verbygangers se koppe behoorlik in die rigting van Hoofstraat 30 gedraai.
Congratulations to a group of dedicated Gansbaai SAPS members who received Medals for their dedication to their work - with members such as these men and women, the community can feel extremely proud.
These SAPS members have served the community for 10, 20 and 30 years of service including attending the 100 years of the SAPS function. The medals were handed over by the Station Commander, Lt Col van Rensburg.
The proud receivers of the medals were Capt Franse, W/O October, W/O Mostert, W/O Le Roux, W/O Scheepers, W/O Basson, Sgt Gcolotela, Sgt Pieters, Sgt Naidoo, Sgt Arendse and Cst Meyer. The Gans-Berg News also would like to congratulate these dedicated SAPS members.
Hardus Botha
Gans-Berg Nuus is a weekly bilingual community newspaper serving Gansbaai and the surrounding Overstrand areas. With a front page that alternates between Afrikaans and English each week, Gans-Berg Nuus / News is proud to be a platform that stays up to date with local news stories, important municipa...
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Read MoreIn 2023, aan die begin van Desembermaand, het verbygangers se koppe behoorlik in die rigting van Hoofstraat 30 gedraai.
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