
February 2023 Golf Competition Results

February 2023 Golf Competition Results

Gansbaai Golf Club

February 2023 Golf Competition Results

Die uitslae van kompetisies wat nog nie gepubliseer is nie, is as volg: The results for competitions, not yet published, are as follows:

Uitslae, Woen 1 Feb Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 1 Feb, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Clive Bailey 42

2. Marietjie de Villiers 39

3. Daan Victor 37

4. Rene Myburgh 37

5. Dawie Viljoen 37

6. Bev Swart 37

7. Deon Coetzee 36

8. Koos Myburgh 36

9. Hugo Groenewald 36

10. Toni Sauter 35

Naaste aan die penne op putjie no.2 was Etienne Engelbrecht (geel bof), Daan Victor (rooi bof). Spog Twee's word aangeteken deur Joe Cesare (11) en Daan Victor (2). Nearest the pins on hole no.2 was Etienne Engelbrecht (yellow tee), Daan Victor (red tee). Two clubs were made by Joe Cesare (11) and Daan Victor (2).

Uitslae, Vry 3 Feb, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 3 Feb, 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

1. Koos Myburgh 19 (Sponsor Golf Club)

2. Jacobus Bothma 17 (Borg: OK Foods)

3. Sakkie vd Merwe 17

4. Pietie Dry 16

5. Toni Sauter 16

6. Philip Kriel 13

7. Johan Paulsen 13

8. John Smith 12

9. Pero Heyns 12

10.Owen Huxham 11

Uitslae, Sat 4 Feb, Houespel Kompetisie: Results, Sat 4 Feb, Medal Competition:

1. Cecil Galloway 39 net

2. Barry Fourie 70

3. Johan Coetzee 70

4. Daan Victor 72

5. Stephen Brown 74

6. Hannes Linde 74

7. Leon Lombaard 76

8. El Matthee 76

9. Joe Cesare 77

10.Marie Fourie 77

Naaste aan pen op no.17 was Toni Sauter (geel bof), Solly Wessels (rooi bof). Johan Pfister teken 'n Spog Twee aan op putjie no.11. Nearest the pin no.17 was Toni Sauter (yellow tee), Solly Wessels (red tee). Johan Pfister made a two club on hole no.11.

Uitslae, Son 5 Feb, Enkel Stableford 9 Putjie Kompetisie: Results, Sun 5 Feb, Single Stableford 9 Hole Competition:

1. Johan Paulsen 19

2. Piet Uys 18

3. Leon Diedericks 18

4. Owen Huxham 16

5. Malcolm Bury 15

6. Cedric Whittal 14

7. George Hunt 14

8. Marietjie de Villiers 13

9. Gordon Miles 11

10. Sakkie vd Merwe 10

Johan Paulsen teken 'n Arend aan op putjie no.6 - veels geluk. Johan Paulsen made an Eagle on hole no.6 - congratulations!

Uitslae, Woen 8 Feb, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 8 Feb, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Clive Bailey 37

2. Leon Lombaard 37

3. Cecil Galloway 35

4. Dawie Viljoen 34

5. Marietjie de Villiers 34

6. Bev Swart 33

7. Gina Esterhuizen 33

8. Wally van Coller 33

9. Joe Cesare 33

10. Johan Coetzee 31

Naaste aan die pen op no.8 was Toni Sauter (geel bof). Spog Twee’s word aangeteken deur Gina Esterhuizen (11) en Bev Swart (17). Nearest the pin on no.8 was Toni Sauter (yellow tee). Two clubs were made by Gina Esterhuizen (11) and Bev Swart (17).

Uitslae, Vry 10 Feb, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 10 Feb, 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

1. Sakkie vd Merwe 19 (Sponsor Golf Club)

2. Jacobus Bothma 16 (Borg OK Foods)

3. Owen Huxham 16

4. Toni Sauter 14

5. Pieter Loubser 14

6. Koos Myburgh 14

7. Johan Paulsen 12

8. Pero Heyns 12

9. Pietie Dry 8

10. Pieter Uys

Uitslae, Sat 11 Feb, 4BBB Stableford (voorkeur dryfhou) kompetisie: Results, Sat 11 Feb, ABBB Stableford (preferred drive) competition:

S&P Batteries Overstrand geborgde gholfdag. S&P Batteries Overstrand sponsored golf day.

1. Toni Sauter and Gina Esterhuizen 48

2. Marietjie de Villiers and Melvin Tobias 46

3. Rene Myburgh and Pietie Uys 45

4. Johan Paulsen and Gordon Miles 45

5. Bev Swart and Bertie Laubscher 44

6. Francois vd Merwe and Willem Germishuys 44

7. Baldwin Hendricks and Johan Pieterse 42

8. Johan Pfister and El Matthee 40

9. Gavin Flint and Leon Diedericks 40

10.Hannes Cloete and Stephen Brown 39

Naaste aan die penne op no.2 was Johan Pfister (rooi bof) en Neil Harrison (geel bof). Spog Twee’s word aangeteken deur Neil Harrison (2), Johan Pfister (2) en Cecil Galloway (11). Die komitee en lede bedank Pieter Smal van S&P Batteries Overstrand vir die uitsonderlike pryse wat hy geborg het, asook die natgat op no.6. Dit word werklikbaie waardeer. Nearest the pins on no.2 was Johan Pfister (red tee) and Neil Harrison (yellow tee). Two clubs were made by Neil Harrison (2), Johan Pfister (2) and Cecil Galloway (11). The committee and members thank Pieter Smal of S&P Batteries Overstrand for the magnificent prizes he sponsored, including the water hole at no.6. It really is appreciated.

Uitslae, Son 12 Feb: Results, Sun 12 Feb:

Gedenkdiens van Wouter Mentz. Memorial service for Wouter Mentz.

Image 1

Uitslae, Woen 15 Feb, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 15 Feb, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Bev Swart 38

2. Daan Victor 37

3. Marietjie de Villiers 36

4. Leon Lombaard 34

5. Etienne Engelbrecht 34

6. Solly Wessels 33

7. Cecil Galloway 31

8. Johan Coetzee 29

9. Dirk van Dyk 29

10.Hugo Groenewald 28

Spog 2 word aangeteken deur Cecil Galloway (11) en Daan Victor (17). 2 Clubs were made by Cecil Galloway (11) and Daan Victor (17).

Uitslae, Vry 17 Feb, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 17 Feb, 9 Hole single Stableford competition:

Geen golf as gevog van die weer. No golf because of the weather.

Uitslae, Sat 18 Feb, Gekonbineerde Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sat 18 Feb, Combined Stableford competition:

1. Barry Fourie and Marie Fourie 71

2. Pieter Loubser and Willem Geldenhuys 67

3. Joe Cesare and Cecil Galloway 65

4. Leon Lombaard and Wally van Coller 65

5. Bev Swart and Bertie Laubscher 64

6. Solly Wessels and Etienne Engelbrecht 63

7. Gina Esterhuizen and Johan Pieterse 59

8. Johan Coetzee and Dirk van Dyk 55

9. Johan Pfister and El Matthee 54

10. Neil Harrison and Gavin Flint 54

Naaste aan die pen op no. 15 was Marie Fourie (rooi bof) en Johan Pieterse (geel bof). Spog 2 word aangeteken deur Barry Fourie (11) en Johan du Preez (8) Nearest the pin no.15 was Marie Fourie (red tee) and Johan Pieterse (yellow tee). Two Clubs were made by Barry Fourie (11) and Johan du Preez (8).

Uitslae, Son 19 Feb, 9 putjie Houespel (gholfer & nie-gholfer) kompetisie: Results, Sun 19 Feb 9 hole Medal (golfer & non-golfer) competition:

1. Charlie Bent and Jeanne Bent 39 net

2. Johan du Preez and Riette 40

3. Hester Coetzee and Hennie 40

4. Andrew Dalgleish and Tony Sauter 42

5. George Hunt and Marlene Hunt 42

6. Gavin Flint and Michelle 42

7. Henry Ford and Hilda Ford 43

8. Leon Diedericks and Gerty Karg 44

9. Kenny Aitken and Helga vd Berg 44

10. Jorge and Lizzie 46

Tydens hierdie geleentheid het die klublede op roerende wyse afskeid geneem van Johan Paulsen met ‘n pragtige seremonie, treffende boodskappe, en gebede. During this opportunity farewell was said to Johan Paulsen with a beautiful ceremony, gracious messages and prayers.

Uitslae, Woen 22 Feb, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 22 Feb, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Leon Lombaard 42

2. Solly Wessels 41

3. Bev Swart 39

4. Marietjie de Villiers 38

5. Etienne Engelbrecht 36

6. Wally van Coller 34

7. Johan Coetzee 34

8. Rene Myburgh 32

9. Clive Bailey 31

10. Johan Pfister 31

Bev Swart wen die naaste aan pen op no.2 (geel bof) en Leon Lombaard wen die boerpotputjies op no. 6, 10 en 17. Bev Swart won the nearest the pin on no.2 (yellow tee) and Leon Lombaard won the jackpot on no. 6, 10 en 17.

Uitslae, Don 23 Feb, Overberg SAGES kampioenskappe kompetisie te Gansbaai: Results, Thur 23 Feb, Overberg SAGES championship competition at Gansbaai:

Die uitslag is soos volg: A Afd.: Dirkie Groenewald (Caledon) 84 bruto; B Afd.: Johan Coetzee 69 net, Bev Swart 72 net; C Afd.: Leon Lombaard 41 punte, Marietjie de Villiers 39 punte; D Afd.: Gina Esterhiuzen 40 punte; John Wellman 38 punte. Nuusbrief/Newsletter, March 2023 Page 13 The results were as follows:: A Afd.: Dirkie Groenewald (Caledon) 84 Gross; B Afd.: Johan Coetzee 69 net, Bev Swart 72 net; C Afd.: Leon Lombaard 41 punte, Marietjie de Villiers 39 punte; D Afd.: Gina Esterhiuzen 40 punte; John Wellman 38 punte.

Uitslae, Vry 24 Feb, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 24 Feb, 9 Hole single Stableford competition:

1. Jacobus Bothma 18 (Gansbaai Prize)

2. Toni Sauter 18 (OK Foods)

3. Koos Myburgh 15

4. Pero Heyns 14

5. Pietie Dry 12

6. Leon Diedericks 12

7. Gustav Rabe 9

8. Hester Coetzee 6

Uitslae, Sat 25 Feb, Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Sat 25 Feb, Single Stableford competition:

1. Clive Bailey 41

2. Rene Myburgh 40

3. Leon Lombaard 38

4. Wally van Coller 38

5. Stephen Brown 36

6. Daan Victor 36

7. Barry Fourie 36

8. Solly Wessels 35

9. Francois vd Merwe 35

10. Johan Coetzee 32

Solly Wessels wen die naaste aan die pen op no.2 (geel bof) en Barry Fourie teken ‘n Spog Twee aan op putjie no.11. Solly Wessels won the nearest the pin on no.2 (yellow tee) and Barry Fourie made a two club on no.11.

Uitslae, Son 26 Feb, 9 putjie Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Sun 26 Feb, 9 Hole Single Stableford competition:

1. Andrew Dalgleisch 20

2. Gordon Miles 19

3. Sakkie vd Merwe 18

4. Willem Germishuys 17

5. Charlie Bent 16

6. Francois vd Merwe 16

7. Marietjie de Villiers 16

8. George Hunt 15

9. Deon Momberg 15

10.Gavin Flint 15

For more information, contact Gansbaai Golf Club.

February 2023 Golf Competition Results

Gansbaai Golf Club

Gansbaai Golf Club has a beautiful 9-hole (18-tee) golf course nestled between blankets of indigenous fynbos and the ocean in Kleinbaai. The golf course has a links-style layout with stunning sea views from most fairways. Gansbai Golf Club has permanent spectators, including resident Cape Grysbokkie...

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