
Golf Competition Results: 30 August - 30 September 2023

Golf Competition Results: 30 August - 30 September 2023

Gansbaai Golf Club

Golf Competition Results: 30 August - 30 September 2023

Die uitslae van kompetisies wat nog nie gepubliseer is nie, is as volg. The results for competitions, not yet published, are as follows.

Uitslae, Woen 30 Aug, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) Kompetisie: Results, Wed 30 Aug, Single Stableford (Sloegters) Competition:

1. Leon Lombaard 38

2. Daan Victor 36

3. Cobus Dippenaar 36

4. Solly Wessels 35

5. Marietjie de Villiers 35

6. Clive Bailey 35

7. El Matthee 31

8. Philip Taylor 31

9. Joe Cesare 30

10. Etienne Engelbrecht 28

Naaste aan die pen op no.17 was Leon Lombaard (geel bof) en teken ook ‘n Spog Twee aan. Nearest the pin on no.17 was Leon Lombaard (yellow tee) and he made a Two Club.

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Uitslae, Vry 1 Sep, 9 Putjie Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 1 Sep 9 Hole Single Stableford Competition:

1. Sakkie vd Merwe 15

2. John Smith 15

3. Pieter Uys 14

4. Pero Heyns 14

5. Owen Huxham 12

6. Pietie Dry 11

7. Deon Momberg 8

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Uitslae, Sat 2 Sep, Houespel Kompetisie: Results, Sat 2 Sep, Medal Competition:

1. Bev Swart 69 net

2. Philip Taylor 74

3. Leon Lombaard 75

4. Berty Sassman 75

5. Joe Cesare 75

6. Solly Wessels 77

7. Cobus Dippenaar 78

8. Bertie Laubscher 78

9. Clive Bailey 79

10. Etienne Engelbrecht 79

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Uitslae, Son 3 Sep: 9 Puitjie Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Sun 3 Sep: 9 Hole Single Stableford Competition:

Geen kompetisie. No competition.

Uitslae, Woen 6 Sep, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) Kompetisie: Results, Wed 6 Sep, Single Stableford (Sloegters) Competition:

1. Solly Wessels 32

2. Daan Victor 27

3. Joe Cesare 26

4. Bev Swart 26

5. Cecil Galloway 25

6. Alex Mostert 25

7. Leon Lombaard 24

8. Johan Coetzee 22

9. Clive Bailey 22

10. Etienne Engelbrecht 18

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Uitslae, Vry 8 Sep, 9 Putjie Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 8 Sep, 9 Hole Single Stableford Competition:

1. Gordon Miles 18 (Borg Golf Club)

2. Pietie Dry 16 (Borg OK Foods)

3. Pero Heyns 16

4. Jacobus Bothma 15

5. Pieter Uys 14

6. Kenny Aitken 13

7. Owen Huxham 12

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Uitslae, Sat 9 Sep, Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Sat 9 Sep, Single Stableford Competition:

1. Solly Wessels 34

2. Joe Cesare 33

3. Malcolm Bury 32

4. Stephen Brown 30

5. Philip Taylor 29

6. Cecil Galloway 29

7. Etienne Engelbrecht 28

8. Bev Swart 27

9. Willem Germishuys 26

10.Marietjie de Villiers 26

Naaste aan die pen op no.2 was Willem Germishuys (geel bof) en Etienne Engelbrecht (rooi bof). Etienne Engelbrecht teken ‘n Spog twee aan op putjie no.11. Nuusbrief/Newsletter, October 2023 Page 8 Nearest the pin on no.2 was Willem Germishuys (yellow tee) and Etienne Engelbrecht (red tee). Etienne Engelbrecht made a Two Club on hole no.11.

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Sondag 10 Sep: 9 Putjie Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Sunday 10 Sep: 9 Hole Single Stableford Competition:

Geen gholf as gevolg van die weer. No golf because of the weather.

Woen 13 Sep, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) Kompetisie: Results, Wed 13 Sep, Single Stableford (Sloegters) Competition:

1. Philip Taylor 41

2. Leon Lombaard 39

3. Etienne Engelbrecht 37

4. Johan Coetzee 36

5. Clive Bailey 34

6. Solly Wessels 33

7. Wally van Coller 33

8. Daan Victor 33

9. Bev Swart 32

10. Joe Cesare 31

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Naaste aan die pen op no.8 was Lambert Smith (geel bof). Nearest the pin on no.8 was Lambert Smith (yellow tee).

Uitslae, Vry 15 Sep, 9 Putjie Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 15 Sep, 9 Hole Single Stableford Competition:

Geen golf as gevolg van die weer. No golf because of the weather.

Uitslae, Sat 16 Sep, Gekombineerde Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Sat 16 Sep, Combined Single Stableford Competition:

Geen golf as gevolg van die weer. No golf because of the weather.

Uitslae, Son 17 Sep, 9 Putjie Houespel Kompetisie: Results, Sun 17 Sep, 9 Hole Medal Competition: Lente Pret Gholfdag - Spring Fun Golf Day

Alle mans moes soos vrouens aantrek. All the men had to be dressed as women.

1. Malcolm and Debbie 41 net

2. Ren en Dion 42

3. Piet en Freda 42

4. Marco en Eloise 45

5. Hannes en Twin Adele 45

6. Henry en Hilda 46

7. Sakkie en Sonia 46

8. Gordon en Helga 49

9. Deon en Estelle 56

Die spelers bedank Sonja Joubert, Gordon Miles en Helga vd Berg wat die pryse geborg het. The players thank Sonja Joubert, Gordon Miles and Helga vd Berg for sponsoring the prizes.

Woen 20 Sep, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) Kompetisie: Results, Wed 20 Sep, Single Stableford (Sloegters) Competition:

1. Leon Lombaard 3

2. Hugo Groenewld 32

3. Dirk van Dyk 31

4. Johan Coetzee 30

5. Etienne Engelbrecht 30

6. Daan Victor 29

7. Solly Wessels 29

8. Philip Taylor 29

9. Marietjie de Villiers 25

10.Clive Bailey 25

Naaste aan die pen op no.17 was Etienne Engelbrecht (rooi bof), Spog Twee's word aangeteken deur Solly Wessels (15), Hugo Groenewald (17). Hugo Groenewald teken Arend aan op putjie no.6. Nearest the pin on no.17 was Etienne Engelbrecht (red tee), Two Clubs were made by Solly Wessels (15) and Hugo Groenewald (17). Hugo Groenewald made an Eagle on hole no.6.

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Uitslae, Vry 22 Sept, 9 Putjie Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 22 Sep, 9 Hole Single Stableford Competition:

1. Sakkie vd Merwe 19

2. Johan Smith 19

3. Jacobus Bothma 14

4. Pieter Uys 13

5. Owen Huxham 11

6. Leon le Grange 10

7. Deon Momberg 8

Saterdag, 23 Sep: 4BBB Enkel Stableford Kompetisie. Laërskool Gansbaai Gholfdag. Saturday 23 Sep: 4BBB Single Stableford Competition. Gansbaai Primary School Golf Day.

1. Herman van Dyk and Cobus Theron 42

2. Mike Germishuys and Melvin Tobias 41

3. Daniel vd Merwe and Willem Germishuys 40

4. Edwin Stafford (Jnr) and EJ Stafford 40

5. El Matthee and Johan Pieterse 40

6. Johan Coetzee and Bev Swart 39

7. Jeandre van Devender and Matthew Cloete 39

8. Solly Wessels and Francois Bruwer 37

9. Andre Hage and Corrie Avenant 37

10. Francois vd Merwe and Pieter Loubser 37

Naaste aan die pen op no.15 was Edwin (Jnr) Stafford (rooi bof). Langste dryf op no.7 was Francois vd Merwe. Die onderwysers van Laerskool Gansbaai is 'n jolige, vrolike klomp en het gesorg vir 'n heerlike en genotvolle dag. Ons kleingoed is in goeie hande. Ons bedank almal vir die moeite wat julle gedoen het.

Nearest the pin on no.15 was Edwin (Jnr) Stafford (red tee). Longest drive on no.7 was Francois vd Merwe. The teachers of the Gansbaai Primary School are a jolly and friendly group and ensured a wonderful and pleasant day for all. We thank them all for the effort they put into the day.

Uitslae, Son 24 Sep, 9 Putjie Houespel Kompetisie: Results, Sun 24 Sep, 9 Hole Medal Competition:

Geen Gholf as gevolg van die weer. No golf because of the weather.

Woen 27 Sep, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) Kompetisie: Results, Wed 27 Sep, Single Stableford (Sloegters) Competition:

1. Hugo Groenewald 33

2. Bev Swart 33

3. Rene Myburgh 33

4. Dirk van Dyk 32

5. Johan Coetzee 30

6. Marietjie de Villiers 29

7. Wally van Coller 29

8. Solly Wessels 29

9. Leon Lombaard 29

10.Daan Victor 26

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Uitslae, Vry 29 Sept, 9 Putjie Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 29 Sep, 9 Hole Single Stableford Competition:

1. Koos Myburgh 20

2. Jacobus Bothma 19

3. John Smith 18

4. Deon Momberg 18

5. Pieter Uys 16

6. Pero Heyns 15

7. Owen Huxham 14

8. Sakkie vd Merwe 14

9. Pietie Dry 11

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Saterdag, 30 Sep, Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Saturday 30 Sep, Single Stableford Competition:

1. Dirk van Dyk 33

2. Solly Wessels 32

3. Pieter Loubser 31

4. Bev Swart 30

5. Deon Coetzee 26

6. Wally van Coller 25

7. Willem Germishuys 25

8. Bertie Laubscher 22

9. Neil Harrison 17

Naaste aan die pen op no 2 was Solly Wessels (geel bof). Spog twee’s word aangeteken deur Willem Germishuys (15) en Solly Wessels (11). Nearest the pin on no 2 was Solly Wessels (yellow tee). Two Clubs were made by Willem Germishuys (15) and Solly Wessels (11).

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Golf Competition Results: 30 August - 30 September 2023

Gansbaai Golf Club

Gansbaai Golf Club has a beautiful 9-hole (18-tee) golf course nestled between blankets of indigenous fynbos and the ocean in Kleinbaai. The golf course has a links-style layout with stunning sea views from most fairways. Gansbai Golf Club has permanent spectators, including resident Cape Grysbokkie...

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