Spaces4Sport, Conservation Research, and More!

Spaces4Sport, Conservation Research, and More!

Grootbos Foundation

Spaces4Sport, Conservation Research, and More!

This is Spaces4Sport - the outdoor office of our Sports Development team and a safe place for all the youth of Gansbaai every afternoon and every holiday where specially trained community coaches offer far more support and education than simply sports coaching. They are life coaches, and mentors and provide the social safety net for our youth.

Welcome to the office of our Conservation Research team!

PhD candidate Lindiwe Khoza from UCT recently called Grootbos Private Nature Reserve her office. Lindiwe's project involves gathering baseline information on soil invertebrates in both farming and pristine fynbos habitats, including those found at Grootbos. This external research contributes valuable insights to the body of knowledge about the fynbos landscape in the Walker Bay Region. Grootbos takes pride in hosting external researchers like Lindiwe at the Grootbos Environmental Centre, where together, we deepen our understanding of the landscape and collaborate on strategies to protect it.

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When our teams are in their outdoor offices, they do amazing work and they see incredible things like these black mound termites (Amitermes hastatus). Here we see winged reproductives emerging from holes at the top of the mound. The originally named ten-spotted ground beetle (Anthia decemguttata) has stumbled across this free all-you-can-eat-buffet. Lucky beetle. Unlucky termites. 

This Cape Flightless Dungbeetle was just going about her business when our entomologists spotted her in the office.

Spaces4Sport, Conservation Research, and More!

Grootbos Foundation

Grootbos Foundation is a registered non-profit organisation in Gansbaai committed to conserving the Cape Floral Kingdom and uplifting the communities that reside within it. The foundation protects more than 22,200ha of fynbos landscape and biodiversity on Grootbos Private Nature Reserve and the Walk...

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