Draft AGM Minutes of 11 March 2023

Draft AGM Minutes of 11 March 2023

Pearly Beach Ratepayers

Draft AGM Minutes of 11 March 2023



• 15 Members


• Messrs Jason Stonehewer and Cassie Carstens
• Ms Elrina Versfeld
• Mr Guy and Mrs Anne-Marie Bury
• Mr Fred and Mrs Dina Stecher
• Mr Vernon and Mrs Deanie Potter
• Mr Koos and Mrs Moira Strydom
• Mr David and Mrs Margie MacDonald

Welcome and Devotions

The Chairperson, Shirley Coetzee welcomed everyone and opened the meeting in prayer. 

Approval of the AGM Minutes Dated 10 March 2022

The draft minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 10 March 2022 had been circulated to members via email and had also been posted on the website and village notice board. Acceptance of the minutes was proposed by Alderman Dudley Coetzee and seconded by Trevor Archer. 

Chairperson's Report

The Chairperson presented her report for 2022. The full report is attached to the original of this minute and can be viewed on the PBRPA’s website at xplorio.com/gansbaai/pearly-beach-ratepayers/

Ward Councillor's Report

Councillor Fourie gave a brief explanation of what the IDP (Integrated Development Plan) is and named a few of the items included in the IDP for Pearly Beach.

Amongst others, a generator has been requested for the pump station, as well as a request for a satellite police station for the village. 

He also presented a short summary of the maintenance projects undertaken by the municipality in Pearly Beach during the past year. This included maintenance of the roads and cutting of the road reserves, as well as ad hoc stormwater drainage.

During the Q & A session, a number of questions were raised, including the issue of the fire hazard presented by the agricultural land next to the village, along Church Street. Clllr Fourie undertook to attend to this, as an order had been issued by Cape Nature, some time ago, for that particular land to be cleared.

There was also a request that a solid white centre line be painted in Main Road, between Law Street and Broadway. Councillor Fourie agreed to pass this request on to the municipality.

Councillor Fourie concluded his report by thanking the Pearly Beach Ratepayers’ Association’s management committee for the work carried out by them.

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer’s report was presented by the Treasurer, Trevor Archer.

The report is attached to the original of this minute and can be viewed at xplorio.com/gansbaai/pearly-beach-ratepayers/

The Chairperson extended a vote of thanks to the Treasurer.

Election of Management Committee

The Chairperson called upon Councillor Fourie to preside as the Electoral Officer for the election of the 2023 committee. 

Nominations for Chairperson were called for and Shirley Coetzee was re-elected to serve in this capacity for another year. Proposed by Nelia Muller, seconded by Vivienne Burton-Moore and approved by the meeting.

Alderman Dudley Coetzee proposed that the existing committee members be re-elected to the management committee and that these committee members themselves decide on the appointment of office bearers and portfolios. No further nominations were received. The meeting agreed unanimously to the proposal by Alderman Coetzee.

These members are: Nelia Hurter, Vivienne Burton-Moore, Wilma Brent, Trevor Archer and Jason Stonehewer.


The Mayor was then invited to address the meeting. 

Mayor Alderman Dr Annalie Rabie emphasised the importance of a Ratepayers’ Association as they play a vital role in communication between the residents and the municipality.

She reminded the attendees of the First Thursday meetings where issues could be raised with the MMC’s and Municipal Directors.

The meeting was informed that if a project was not on the IDP list, a budget could not be created to address same.

Mayor Rabie then provided an extensive explanation of the municipal valuation role. She explained that the valuation was carried out by a private, registered property evaluator. This contract was awarded by the municipal administration, following a tender process. The Mayor also explained that there was no direct link between the increase in a person’s property value and the increase in the property rate that a person would pay, because of the variables in the calculation of the actual property rates. 

Questions of a general nature were then addressed by Councillor Fourie, Alderman Coetzee and the Chairperson.

The Chairperson then asked whether members had a particular preference for the holding of the Annual General Meeting - in December, January or March. As no preference was expressed, the committee will therefore decide on the date of the annual general meeting which must be held any time between 15 December and 15 March.

The business matter having been concluded, the Chairperson then expressed her gratitude to the Mayor for making time to attend the AGM and thanked members for their attendance. The meeting was closed at 11h25. 

Draft AGM Minutes of 11 March 2023

Pearly Beach Ratepayers

Pearly Beach Ratepayers Association is a non-profit organisation that aims to preserve the beauty and integrity of Pearly Beach. Regarding all community affairs, the association is a direct link between local ratepayers and the Overstrand Municipality.

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