Working Together For You!

Pearly Beach Ratepayers Association is a non-profit organisation that aims to preserve the beauty and integrity of Pearly Beach. Regarding all community affairs, the association is a direct link between local ratepayers and the Overstrand Municipality.

Contact Details

  • Primary number Click Here
  • Emergency number Click Here
  • Email Click Here


  • Operating Times Click Here
  • Address Click Here
  • Payment Methods Click Here
  • Cards Accepted Click Here
  • Currencies Accepted Click Here

Business Information

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As the village watchdog body, the Pearly Beach Ratepayers Association works closely with the Local Authority to ensure future developments, around the village, are in keeping with the spirit of this statement. 

To help achieve these aims, the team needs the support of ratepayers and residents. They urge all eligible persons to become members of the association. 

Meet the Team

Meet the Team

The Pearly Beach Ratepayers’ Management Committee is as follows:

Office Bearers for 2024
  • Chairperson & Ward 11 Representative - Shirley Coetzee
  • Vice Chairperson & Buildings Monitor - Nelia Hurter
  • Secretary - Vivienne Burton-Moore
  • Treasurer & Membership Secretary - Trevor Archer
Portfolios for 2024
  • Infrastructure & Maintenance - Wilma Brent
  • Conservation Consultant - Jason Stonehewer
  • Water Reticulation - Jacques le Roux
  • Ward 11 Councillor - Councillor Steven Fourie
  • Ex Officio Member - Alderman Dudley Coetzee


Would you like to join the Pearly Beach Rate Payers Association? 

Membership is open to everyone who owns and rents property in Pearly Beach.

Membership Fees
  • Single Membership - R40 per annum
  • Family Membership - R60 per annum
Membership Forms

Membership forms can be requested by contacting any of the current committee members. Alternatively, you can find a membership form, here

Banking Details

Pearly Beach Ratepayers’ Association
Nedbank Gansbaai
Branch Code - 198 765
Account Number - 119 073 4141   
Reference - Your Name, Street Address and Erf Number

Please Note:
  • Cash payments can be handed over to Trevor Archer (treasurer)
Proof of Payment
  • Please send proof of payment to Trevor Archer at


The Pearly Beach Ratepayers Association’s newsletter and quarterly news section are available on its website.



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