Rabies Alert: Keep Dogs Leashed on Overstrand...
As rabies continues to impact seals along our coastline, it's essential for dog owners to keep their pets on a leash.
The Chairperson welcomed everyone, thanked Nelia for providing the venue and then opened the meeting in prayer.
• Cllr Steven Fourie, Ald Dudley Coetzee (both ex officio) and Mr. Trevor Archer
• Mesdames Shirley Coetzee, Vivienne Burton-Moore, Nelia Muller and Wilma Brent
• Mr. Jason Stonehewer
The August 2023 minutes were approved.
Proposed by Vivienne and seconded by Trevor.
To date, Law Enforcement has not yet begun monitoring illegal dumping at the Drop Off Zone on a Wednesday when it is closed to the public. Ald. Coetzee has requested a key from the supervisor for this purpose and will follow up with the municipality in this regard. A small board has been erected with opening times.
Openserve will be approached to obtain permission to remove the Telkom poles. Nelia has a contact number and will follow up with them.
It was noted that the potholes previously repaired have re-formed after the recent storm. Overgrown vegetation in the village needs to be cleared and in general the village requires tidying up. These service requests will be posted on Collaborator.
Ald. Coetzee has ordered sand and stone for the construction of the drinking fountain. We are still awaiting the delivery of the additional paint for the touching up of the Whale.
He also mentioned that one of the electricity poles at the entrance to the village has a bee hive which is due to be removed by a beekeeper in mid-October. Once this has been done, the lights at the entrance to the village will be repaired.
The street map has been printed and is ready for painting. This will then be laminated and erected on the wall at the entrance to the village. Ald. Coetzee will liaise with Ronel Smuts in this regard, as ideally the committee would like this project completed before the start of the holiday season.
Many of the beach boardwalks were damaged during the storms. Wilma will take photographs and forward these to Shirley who will request their repair via Collaborator.
The financial statement is attached to the original of this minute.
Two new membership applications had been received after the August public meeting at the Angling Club. Kevin and Hester Drake and Jacques Le Roux were unanimously accepted into membership.
August 2023:
Pearly Beach Resort:
Erf 2386 - 11 Jellyfish - Addition
Erf 2331 - 34 Inkvis - Minor Works
Erf 2194 - 11 Carpenter - Addition
Pearly Beach Village:
Erf 1927 - 9 Vergesig - Addition
Erf 1647 - 10 Duine Street - Addition
Erf 1807 - 16 Arikreukel - Addition
Erf 361 - 19 Arcadia - New House
Erf 315 - 56 Twist - New House
September 2023:
Pearly Beach Resort:
Erf 2386 - 11 Nautilus - New House
Pearly Beach Village:
Erf 225 - 45 Crest - New House
Erf 1585 - 17 Charlie van Breda - Addition
Erf 1805 - 17 Arikreukel - New House
Erf 610 - 6 Kerk Street - New House
Erf 217 - 61 Crest Way - New House
Erf 359 - 23 Arcadia - New House
Erf 75 - 47 the Crescent - New House
Shirley requested the committee to consider any further possible amendments to the Constitution as she would like to finalize this by next month. Members would then be informed of the committee’s intention to present the amendments for approval at the AGM in March 2024.
Nelia asked that the municipality investigate the vandalized building in Broadway. The abandoned car parked on the road reserve in Arcadia needs to be removed. It was noted that these issues should be reported via the Collaborator Platform.
Shirley advised that the issue of the Jukskei court was raised at the ward committee meeting in September and that Elrina Versfeld had stated that two disused courts are available at the Angling Club. Elrina has undertaken to discuss this with the Jukskei organisers as it was felt that clearing a green belt in Central was not an option.
The next Ward 11 Committee meeting will take place in Gansbaai on the 14 November. The next management committee meeting will take place on 30 November at 10h00 at the Seeff office.
With nothing further to discuss, the meeting was closed at 11h15.
Pearly Beach Ratepayers Association is a non-profit organisation that aims to preserve the beauty and integrity of Pearly Beach. Regarding all community affairs, the association is a direct link between local ratepayers and the Overstrand Municipality.
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Read MoreAs rabies continues to impact seals along our coastline, it's essential for dog owners to keep their pets on a leash.
On Friday, 22 November 2024, the Pearly Beach Ratepayers’ Association (PBRPA) hosted an informal public meeting.
The PBRPA management committee addressed key issues, including ongoing infrastructure concerns.
On Friday, 30 August 2024, at 14:30, the management committee met at the Seeff Offices.
On Thursday, 30 August 2024, a public meeting was held at 15h30 at the Angling Club in Pearly Beach.
This document provides a detailed account of the Management Committee meeting held on 21 June 2024.