Never Mistake Force for Power

Never Mistake Force for Power

Sue Leppan Transformation Facilitator & Life Coach

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Never Mistake Force for Power

Never mistake force for power. Force will always come in the form of control, manipulation, shouting, cursing, silence, rejection, etc. The purpose of this force is to get the other person to conform to your ways. Or for the other person to get you to conform. It will be a dark pit of fear and confusion.

The harder people work to control the outside world, to get the world to conform to them, the less control they have in the inside. It is a shambles of fear, anxiety, and stress. They find themselves in constant fight-flight-freeze mode. They are always finding excuses and turning the blame onto other people.

Power on the other hand will pull people towards them. It will be a port of peace and safety. Power is a way-shower, it has compassion, it is gentle, it is confident, it has inner-strength, it has patience. Once you know true power you will hold these qualities naturally. People in their power take responsibility and keep themselves accountable for their actions.

Are you ready to become a force of power and walk away from your force of self-destruction? Will you do it today?

Never Mistake Force for Power

Sue Leppan Transformation Coach

Sue Leppan is a life, transformation and holistic wellness coach based in Sandbaai, Hermanus. Providing therapy for a range of challenges, Sue specialises in targeting and dealing with emotional trauma, self-doubt, depression, stagnation and self-centring. Whether you need help with personal issues ...

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