
How To Lessen Excessive Perspiration

How To Lessen Excessive Perspiration

Gansbaai Pharmacy

Damp armpits are sometimes just a part of life. But what happens when your perspiration situation goes from normal to embarrassing?

Perspiring is an essential bodily function. “We sweat to regulate our body temperature.” When your temperature rises above the usual 37°C, your body tries to bring it back down by releasing sweat from your sweat glands. Once the sweat hits the surface of your skin and starts to evaporate, you feel cooler and more comfortable.

Sweat itself is a clear, odourless liquid. But when it mixes with the bacteria on your skin, it can cause a funky odour. Plus, it can soak through your clothes and leave a stain.

Here’s what you need to know about excessive sweating and what you can do to keep the smell and wetness under control.

To keep sweat at bay, applying an antiperspirant is a good place to start (deodorants only mask sweat's odour - they don't actually stop or prevent you from perspiring). “The aluminium salts in antiperspirants react with sweat to temporarily plug sweat ducts so that sweat can’t be released.”

Oral medications are also used to treat excessive sweating. Anticholinergics are the most common, which prevent perspiration-triggering chemical messengers from reaching your sweat glands. However, these medications target your entire body, rather than just your armpits, so side effects may include a dry mouth.

Concealing wet spots under your arms won’t fix excessive sweating, but it can help you feel less self-conscious until you and your doctor decide on the best treatment plan. Underarm pads can help keep sweat from soaking through to your clothes where it’s more visible. Since it’s harder to spot wetness on very dark colours, wearing black or navy tops might also help. Wear loose-fitting clothes, which are less likely to come in contact with your skin and absorb sweat.

Feel free to contact Gansbaai Pharmacy to find out more.

How To Lessen Excessive Perspiration

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