Nail Abnormalities
Fingernails and toenails may be good indicators of health.
If you want to lower your risk of getting a tick-bite fever, keeping ticks away is your best bet.
Rosacea is a chronic and persistent condition in which the skin on the cheeks, nose, chin, eyelids, or forehead becomes inflamed and red, often producing small pimples and noticeable blood vessels.
If you want to promote healthy skin, enjoy proper digestion and would like a natural detoxifier- then water is a basic necessity.
Essential oils are now found in everything from air fresheners to beauty products.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is vital for the normal functioning of the body.
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. Find out about the many benefits of magnesium.
Mense wat elke dag aan verkoue- en griepkieme blootgestel word, soos ons apteker, weet ’n ding of twee oor hoe om gesond te bly wanneer almal rondom hulle siek is.
Navigating weight loss information can be daunting. Many popular beliefs are only partly true. Our pharmacist debunked a few common myths.
Damp armpits are sometimes just a part of life. But what happens when your perspiration situation goes from normal to embarrassing?
’n Hewige nies trek baie verder as net tot by die persoon wat langs jou sit.