Dalene Roodt Wins Best Artwork at RHS Exhibition

Dalene Roodt Wins Best Artwork at RHS Exhibition

Grootbos Foundation


Dalene Roodt Wins Best Artwork at RHS Exhibition

We are thrilled to announce that Dalene Roodt has won the award for Best Artwork on Show at the Royal Horticultural Society's exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery in London this week! What a wonderful showcase our South African plants have received in the United Kingdom this past month!

This stunning piece is the upside-down sandy Cinderella orchid (Acrolophia bolusii), a rare orchid found along the sandy coastal areas between the Cape Peninsula and the Agulhas Plain. These orchids grow independently of fire and flower annually between October and December.

Dalene Roodt painted this artwork as one of her four contributions to the Grootbos Florilegium. Dalene’s work often focuses on orchids, making it especially fitting to share her beautiful depiction as we celebrate her well-deserved win at the Royal Horticultural Society Botanical Art Show. Although this artwork was not part of her submission to the show, we are incredibly proud to have her as a member of the Grootbos Florilegium.

Congratulations, Dalene!

Dalene Roodt Wins Best Artwork at RHS Exhibition

Grootbos Foundation

Grootbos Foundation is a registered non-profit organisation in Gansbaai committed to conserving the Cape Floral Kingdom and uplifting the communities that reside within it. The foundation protects more than 22,200ha of fynbos landscape and biodiversity on Grootbos Private Nature Reserve and the Walk...

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