The Relationship That Lasts a Lifetime
Your most valuable and endearing relationship will be the one you have with yourself
Are you often angry or disappointed with yourself? Do you lash out only to feel embarrassed later, or wish you did not say those things? Can you completely love all of yourself without any exclusions?
We were born perfect and picked up a few limiting beliefs along the way, which tell us that we are imperfect. We live a life engaging in events from a place of lack, desiring abundance.
What would happen if you viewed yourself as a masterpiece in the making? Lots of guidance, love, patience, and accountability. The Masters of art - music, paintings, the written word - did not produce overnight. As you are working on your masterpiece, why would you be impatient, unloving, judgmental, angry, doubtful, etc.
Unconditional self-love asks you to be the friend you are searching for. Compassionate. It is asking you to be okay with being a student.
How will you be a friend to yourself today?
Sue Leppan is a life, transformation and holistic wellness coach based in Sandbaai, Hermanus. Providing therapy for a range of challenges, Sue specialises in targeting and dealing with emotional trauma, self-doubt, depression, stagnation and self-centring. Whether you need help with personal issues ...
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Read MoreYour most valuable and endearing relationship will be the one you have with yourself
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