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History of Riviersonderend
The history of Riviersonderend dates back to the days of the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC), otherwise known as the Dutch East India Company. Situated on the N2 highway, the town was developed to accommodate and supply the farmers of the surrounding areas.

In the Beginning
Before the landing of the VOC, this region of the Western Cape was occupied by independent farming Khoi inhabitants. Upon Jan van Riebeeck’s arrival Riviersonderend, which later formed part of Theewaterskloof, was considered impenetrable due to the terrain and mountains.
During the late 1600s, the VOC sent Corporal Hieronymus Cruise and Ensign Oloff Bergh (from who the brandy got its name), to purchase cattle and explore the region for trade possibilities. In 1669, the designated path finders recorded the discovery of the Zonder End River (translated from Dutch as the river with no end).
Eventually, as the settlers’ population grew, the demand for livestock by the VOC became too great for the Khoi farmers to meet. By the 1700s the Governor of the Cape, Willem Adriaan van der Stel, gave the VOC members grazing rights. The notoriously greedy and corrupt official declared 18 farms in the region his own, creating a monopoly and unfair advantage. Distressed independent farmers and Huguenots signed petitions against the occupation, eventually leading to his dismissal in 1707.

The Building of an Empire
In March 1713 an outbreak of smallpox, brought on by passing ships and settlers, wiped out a large amount of the Khoi population, leaving several farms ownerless. This resulted in less competition for land for immigrants and they encouraged more Europeans to move in. Therefore in 1726, the company established posts within the Overberg to aid travellers and explorers by providing supplies and healthcare for sick sailors and soldiers.
By the 1780s, word had spread about the well-watered lands, fertile soils, dense forests and extensive grazing opportunities. Even more European settlers began immigrating to this part of the Overberg. The depleted Khoi community was soon left without land and either took jobs on the new farms or escaped to local missionary stations.

The Birth of a Town
The history of Riviersonderend itself began in 1922. Miss Edith McIntyre sold her Tierhoek farm for £6,000 to the Dutch Reformed Council so that they could establish a congregation. Although they wanted to name this new acquisition Nuwedorp (New Town), they opted for Riviersonderend, taken from the early explorers’ description of the local river.
To populate the surrounding areas, they held an auction to sell farm plots a year later. Each buyer was allowed one cow and two oxen. At the time, only butchers were permitted to keep sheep. Following the success of this event, they held another auction in 1925, around the same time streets were built.

Riviersonderend Today
Nowadays this quiet countryside town mostly operates to fulfil the needs of nearby farmers and passing travellers.
Overberg’s historic Signal Cannon System still stands sentry along the Kleinbergie Hiking Trail. The main purpose of the cannon system was to call the residents in the area for military service if there were indications of war in the Cape. In 1795 and 1806, during the first and second occupation of the Cape, the cannon signal system was used eight times in total.
The prevalent Dutch architecture throughout the town serves as a visual reminder of Riviersonderend’s history.