
Overberg Agri Contributes to Community Safety

Overberg Agri Contributes to Community Safety

Cape Agulhas Municipality

Overberg Agri Contributes to Community Safety

On Friday, January 28, 2022, Overberg Agri (Pty) Ltd together with Cape Agulhas Municipality entered into the first co-operative agreement of its kind to contribute towards making Cape Agulhas Municipal Area a safer place. The first financial contribution of R64 000 made by Overberg Agri, enables the network of cameras to reduce the gaps as identified by the municipality over the past 2 years.

In June 2018, the first “Smart City” Strategy of the Municipality was approved, of which the security of the area by means of circuit security and number plate cameras is a large part. During May 2021, Overberg Agri approached the Municipality to become involved in the initiative.

According to Mr Colin van Dalen, General Manager: Trade and Agri input of Overberg Agri Industries, their goal is to make a positive contribution to the security of especially the Agricultural communities, which is one of the biggest contributors to the economic sustainability and job creation of the environment is. This collaborative agreement between Overberg Agri and Cape Agulhas Municipality has now paved the way for all stakeholders to become part of the security of our area.

The aim is to enable role players in the security and business environment to become part of this initiative.



Overberg Agri dra by tot gemeenskapsveiligheid

Op Vrydag, 28 Januarie 2022 het Overberg Agri (Pty) Ltd tesame met Kaap Agulhas Munisipaliteit het die eerste samewerkende ooreenkoms van sy aard aangegaan om ten einde by te dra tot die beveiliging van die groter Kaap Agulhas Munisipale omgewing.  Die eerste finansiële bydrae van R64 000 deur Overberg Agri, stel die netwerk van kameras in staat om die leemtes soos oor die afgelope 2 jaar geïdentifiseer is deur die munisipaliteit, te verminder. 

In Junie 2018, is die eerste “Smart City” Strategie van die Munisipaliteit goedgekeur, waarvan die beveiliging van die area deur middel van kring sekuriteit en nommerplaat kameras `n groot deel uitmaak. Gedurende Mei 2021 het Overberg Agri die Munisipaliteit genader om betrokke te raak by die initatief. 

Volgens meneer Colin van Dalen, Algemene Bestuurder: Handel en Agri Insette van Overberg Agri Bedrywe, is hul doelstelling om `n positiewe bydrae te maak tot die beveiliging van veral die Landbou gemeenskappe, wat een van die grootste bydraers tot ekonomiese volhoubaarheid en werkskepping van die omgewing is. Hierdie samewerkende ooreenkoms tussen Overberg Agri en Kaap Agulhas Munisipalitiet het nou die weg gebaan vir alle belanghebendes om deel te raak van die beveiliging van ons area. 

Die doel is om rolspelers in die sekuriteits en besigheidsomgewing in staat te stel om deel te raak van hierdie initiatief.

Overberg Agri Contributes to Community Safety

Cape Agulhas Municipality

Cape Agulhas Municipality is classified as a category B municipality situated within the Overberg. The demarcated municipal area covers approximately 2411km² and includes the towns of Bredasdorp, Napier and the coastal towns of Arniston, Struisbaai, L’Agulhas and Suiderstrand as well as a vast ar...

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