
Transform Your Money Beliefs for Financial Freedom

Transform Your Money Beliefs for Financial Freedom

Sue Leppan Transformation Facilitator & Life Coach

Transform Your Money Beliefs for Financial Freedom

Let’s talk money! What beliefs do you hold about money?

Oh, the ever evasive money. It is an absolute truth that we need money in this world we have created. For most people, it is also true that they have a daily struggle to have enough money to survive. For many people, it is true that they want to have enough money just to take the urgency off of not having savings. For a large number of people it feels that no matter how hard they work, they never seem to be able to have enough money at the end of the day.

What we must realise about our beliefs is that they construct our reality.

As an example let us use big concerts and have a look at all the various people when we are at an event. Some are having their greatest experience, others are happy, others are indifferent and then some are not happy.  Here is a little truth about me – I really do not like them. My belief system says: Usually, you can hardly see the performer, people bump into you, they step on your toes, and they mess their drinks on you. But my friend, well she thinks it is the most amazing experience. She loves sharing the energy, that people are singing along, that they hook into each other’s arms and swing along to the songs, etc. Same event, two different experiences.

And this is the same for money. If we believe we must work hard for our money, we will seek out those positions. If we believe money is evil, why would your psyche want evil for you? The same goes if you believe that rich people are evil while you secretly desire to have their riches. You will not achieve your goal of living a life free of money stresses. And when we switch on the all-important news or we devour information about the financial crises on our social media, what do you think you do? Now as in this moment, you start to panic and tomorrow you will take action.

Next time you think about money, become aware of your thought process. Identify the belief. Gain knowledge or ask for help in how to delete the belief. Now you are ready to show up for your day, you are ready to work for your best outcome, and you are now allowing money to come into your life.

Each one of us holds hundreds of beliefs around every aspect of our life. Some are empowering and others limiting. They are only stories, let us start telling our stories differently.

Transform Your Money Beliefs for Financial Freedom

Sue Leppan Transformation Facilitator & Life Coach

Sue Leppan is a life, transformation and holistic wellness coach based in Sandbaai, Hermanus. Providing therapy for a range of challenges, Sue specialises in targeting and dealing with emotional trauma, self-doubt, depression, stagnation and self-centring. Whether you need help with personal issues ...

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