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#FastTipTuesday - Avoid Marks: Keep It Wet!

#FastTipTuesday - Avoid Marks:...

Lap marks occur when you roll over paint that's already partly dry - creating stripes.

Rebuilding a Business

Rebuilding A Business

There is no nice way to say this. COVID - 19, or at least the reaction to it, has wreaked havoc on global, regional and national economies.



The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted on every part of our lives, dictating where we can go, how we spend our time...

Pearly Beach's Sea Horses

Pearly Beach's Sea Horses

The thought of horseback riding along the sea is captivating, but it is only possible at a handful of beaches in South Africa.  Justus Visagie used a Subaru Forester to find one of these places, ...

WE ARE OPEN for Business Travellers!

WE ARE OPEN For Business Trave...

With stringent health measures in place, De Hoop takes YOUR health and getting YOUR businesses back up and running again seriously.

De Hoop Collection
Phased Implementation of Municipal Services During Lockdown Level 3

Phased Implementation Of Munic...

The Country moved to lockdown level 3 on 1 June 2020. This means that we are now able to resume some more of our services...

Budget Speech 2020/21 / Begrotings Toespraak 2020/21

Budget Speech 2020/21 / Begrot...

It is an absolute privilege and honor for me to table the 2020/21 budget today to the Municipal Council for final approval.

Phased Implementation of Municipal Services During Lockdown Level 3

Phased Implementation Of Munic...

As the country moves to level 3 on 1 June 2020, we will be resuming some of our services in a phased manner.

Special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress R350 Grant

Special COVID-19 Social Relief...

Special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress R350 Grant.

#FastTipTuesday - Avoid Marks: Keep It Wet!

#FastTipTuesday - Avoid Marks: Keep It Wet...

Wilkoo Marketing Paint Distributors

Lap marks occur when you roll over paint that's already partly dry - creating stripes.

Rebuilding a Business

Rebuilding a Business

CABA (Cape Agulhas Business Association)

There is no nice way to say this. COVID - 19, or at least the reaction to it, has wreaked havoc on global, regional and national economies. ...



CABA (Cape Agulhas Business Association)

The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted on every part of our lives, dictating where we can go, how we spend our time...

Pearly Beach's Sea Horses

Pearly Beach's Sea Horses

Pearly Beach Horse Trails

The thought of horseback riding along the sea is captivating, but it is only possible at a handful of beaches in South Africa.  Justus ...

WE ARE OPEN for Business Travellers!

WE ARE OPEN for Business Travellers!

De Hoop Collection

With stringent health measures in place, De Hoop takes YOUR health and getting YOUR businesses back up and running again seriously.

Phased Implementation of Municipal Services During Lockdown Level 3

Phased Implementation of Municipal Service...

Cape Agulhas Municipality

The Country moved to lockdown level 3 on 1 June 2020. This means that we are now able to resume some more of our services...

Budget Speech 2020/21 / Begrotings Toespraak 2020/21

Budget Speech 2020/21 / Begrotings Toespra...

Cape Agulhas Municipality

It is an absolute privilege and honor for me to table the 2020/21 budget today to the Municipal Council for final approval.

Phased Implementation of Municipal Services During Lockdown Level 3

Phased Implementation of Municipal Service...

Cape Agulhas Municipality

As the country moves to level 3 on 1 June 2020, we will be resuming some of our services in a phased manner.

Special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress R350 Grant

Special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress...

Cape Agulhas Municipality

Special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress R350 Grant.