Barrydale, Western Cape, South Africa
Barrydale is a petite village located on the border of the Overberg and the Klein Karoo regions of the Western Cape. Enclosed in a narrow valley at the foot of the Langeberg Mountains at the northern end of the Tradouw’s Pass that leads to Swellendam, this rural village still retains its timeless country charm and friendly locals greet you with a smile. Here is more information on the driving directions to Barrydale.
The fertile area originally attracted Khoisan and Attaqua populations who called it Kannaland and made their homes in the valleys and mountains. After Tradouw’s Pass was opened in 1873, Barrydale’s history truly began taking shape when farmers relocated from other areas into the fertile valley. Weather conditions in Barrydale are perfect for growing fruit trees and there is an abundance of vineyards and orchards that lie scattered as far as the eye can see.
Exploring the area on foot is high on the agenda and the things to do in Barrydale include a walk through a labyrinth in Lemoenshoek, a stroll through a heritage garden and a slow trot up-and-down the surrounding hills.
All that walking will work up quite an appetite and visiting one of the restaurants in Barrydale might be a good idea. The choice of venues is almost as large as the interesting menu selections on the menus at down-to-earth Karoo kitchens, smalltown bistros and lavish hotel-run dining establishments.
If you are looking to spend a few days or even one night in the area, accommodation options in Barrydale are aplenty. Backpackers, self-catering homes, guesthouses and luxury hotels all beckon, and encourage a holiday in the country.
While many visitors find a short holiday in the middle-of-nowhere ample time to recharge their batteries, there are some who decide to stay for good. Ask the locals about this when you visit one of the pubs and you will be entertained with interesting stories and facts about their fellow residents for hours. Who knows perhaps your next visit includes a stop at one of the estate agents in Barrydale who will help you find your dream country home.
Barrydale Top Attractions
Discover the Top Attractions of Barrydale, the town situated at the foot of the Langeberg Mountain range. From lounging in hot springs to vi...
Barrydale Galleries
Be inspired and browse through the Image & Video library to see the photos and videos that the Barrydale community shares. Select your inter...
Barrydale Tourism
Barrydale is unique, a special place to be visited all year round. Enclosed in a narrow valley at the foot of ...
Barrydale Tourism
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