Phased Implementation of Municipal Services During Lockdown Level 3

Phased Implementation of Municipal Services During Lockdown Level 3

Cape Agulhas Municipality

Municipal Notice: Phased Implementation of Municipal Services During Lockdown Level 3

As the country moves to level 3 on 1 June 2020, we will be resuming some of our services in a phased manner. In terms of legislation we are required to appoint a COVID 19 Compliance Officer whose duty it is to a workplace risk assessment and develop a plan for the return of employees to the workplace. This plan is very important to ensure both the safety of our clients and staff. We also need to ensure that our environment complies with all COVID 19 protocols and that our systems are fully functional. We will publish a notice within the next few days outlining the services available as well as procedures applicable to each service.

In the interim, the status quo with regard to the rendering of essential services will be maintained. The following pay points will however be open every day from 8:00 until 13:00 from 1 - 5 June 2020.

- Bredasdorp Head Office

- Bredasdorp Thusong Centre

- Napier Office

- Struisbaai Office

- Arniston Resort

- L’Agulhas Resort

Thank you for your co-operation in this regard.

Municipal Manager

DGI O’Neill


Munisipale Kennisgewing: Gefaseerde Implementering van Munisipale Dienste Gedurende Inperking Vlak 3

Die land beweeg op 1 Junie 2020 na vlak 3 van die Nasionale Inperking, en Munisipale Dienste sal op 'n gefaseerde manier hervat word. Ingevolge wetgewing moet ons 'n COVID 19-nakomingsbeampte aanstel wie se plig dit is om 'n risikobepaling van die werkplek te doen en 'n plan op te stel vir die terugkeer van werknemers na die werkplek. Die plan is belangrik om die veiligheid van beide ons kliënte en personeel te verseker. Ons moet ook toesien dat ons omgewing aan alle COVID 19-protokolle voldoen en dat ons stelsels ten volle funksioneel is. Ons sal binne die volgende paar dae 'n kennisgewing publiseer waarin die beskikbare dienste uiteengesit word, asook die prosedures wat op elke diens van toepassing is.

Intussen sal die status quo met betrekking tot die lewering van noodsaaklike dienste gehandhaaf word, en die volgende Munisipale betaalpunte sal elke dag oop wees van 8:00 tot 13:00 van 1 - 5 Junie 2020.

- Bredasdorp Hoofkantoor

- Bredasdorp Thusong Sentrum

- Napier-kantoor

- Struisbaai-kantoor

- Arniston Oord

- L’Agulhas-oord

By voorbaat dankie vir u samewerking in hierdie verband.

Munisipale Bestuurder

DGI O’Neill

Phased Implementation of Municipal Services During Lockdown Level 3

Cape Agulhas Municipality

Cape Agulhas Municipality is classified as a category B municipality situated within the Overberg. The demarcated municipal area covers approximately 2411km² and includes the towns of Bredasdorp, Napier and the coastal towns of Arniston, Struisbaai, L’Agulhas and Suiderstrand as well as a vast ar...

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