Rent to Buy (Deferred Ownership)

Rent to Buy (Deferred Ownership)

Cape Agulhas Municipality

Rent to Buy (Deferred Ownership)

Dear Prospective Beneficiary

As a Municipality, we are proud to create a housing opportunity for middle income groups, namely the Rent to Buy (Deferred Ownership Project). This project is a pilot project for the Western Cape and the Country driven by the Cape Agulhas Municipality and the Provincial Department of Human Settlements.

To assist financial institutions in doing a credit pre-approval, you need to provide us with the following information and documentation:

• Fully completed and signed income and expenditure account, reflecting all the household’s expenses. Note that the form is to reflect the expenses of both husband and wife or main applicant and her/his partner.

• Certified copies of the ID’s of both the main and co-applicant.

• Certified copies of the salary slips of both the main and co-applicant.

- Note that the salary slips are not to be older than 3 consecutive months.

- If your income is derived solely from commissions, you need to provide salary slips of 6 consecutive months.

- If you work overtime on a regular basis, the payslips over 3 consecutive months are to be presented.

- In cases where your income is made up of both a basic salary and commission, you are to present the department with salary slips for the previous 3 consecutive months.

- Should you earn wages on a weekly basis, you are to present the department with a full month’s salary slips.

Forms can be collected at the municipality at the Main Municipal Building from 08h00 to 16h30 on weekdays.

Once completed in full and signed where indicated, the form (together with the supporting documents) are to be hand-delivered to the municipality and placed in the dedicated box in the foyer area at the Main Municipal Building from 08h00 to 16h30 on weekdays.

For more information please contact us on email: or telephone: 028 425 5500.

Michael Dennis

Manager: Human Settlements

Cape Agulhas Municipality



Beste Voornemende Begunstigde

As Munisipaliteit is ons trots om ‘n behuisingsgeleentheid te skep vir middel inkomstegroepe naamlik die Huur om te koop (Uitgestelde eienaarskap-projek). Hierdie projek is ‘n loodsprojek vir die Wes-Kaap en die land wat deur die Kaap Agulhas Munisipaliteit en die Provinsiale Departement van Menslike Nedersettings gedryf word.

Om finansiële inrigtings te help om ‘n krediet profiel vas te stel, benodig ons die volgende informasie en dokumentasie:

• Getekende en voltooide inkomste en uitgawe informasie wat alle huishoudelike uitgawes bevat. Let wel dat die vorm moet die uitgawes van beide man en vrou bevat, of hoof aansoeker en sy/haar metgesel.

• Gesertifiseerde afskrifte van ID Dokumente van mede-aansoekers.

• Gesertifiseerde afskrifte van salarisstrokies van mede-aansoekers.

- Let wel dat salarisstrokies moet nie ouer as 3 maande wees nie.

- Indien u inkomste slegs uit kommisie verkryg word, moet u salarisstrokie van 6 opeenvolgende maande voorsien.

- As u gereeld oortyd werk, moet die salarisstrokies oor 3 maande agtereenvolgend aangebied word.

- In geval waar u inkomste uit beide ‘n basiese salaris en kommisie bestaan, moet u die vorige 3 maande se salarisstrokies voorsien.

- Indien u salaris weekliks betaal word, moet ‘n bewys van ‘n volle maand se salarisstrokies aangeheg.

Vorms kan afgehaal word by die munisipaliteit vanaf 08h00 tot 16h30, weeksdae by die Munisipale Hoofgebou.

Sodra die vorm volledig ingevul is en geonderteken is waar aangedui, moet hierdie vorm (tesame met die stawende dokumente) by die munisipaliteit afgelewer word en in die voorportaal by die Munisipale Hoofgebou, op weeksdae vanaf 08h00 tot 16h30 geplaas word.

Vir meer inligting kontak ons by epos: of telefoon: 028 425 5500.

Michael Dennis

Bestuurder Menslike Nedersettings

Kaap Agulhas Munisipaliteit

Rent to Buy (Deferred Ownership)

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