Swellendam, Western Cape, South Africa
Situated just off the N2 national road, the directions to Swellendam are easy to follow and a visit to this sleepy town promises to deliver a whole lot more than meets the eye.
Swellendam in the Cape Overberg is the third oldest town in South Africa and has over 50 provincial heritage sites to its name. The Swellendam Municipality includes Barrydale, Suurbrak, Malgas, Infanta and Stormsvlei. Together the towns celebrate rural life, racial harmony, respect for nature and wildlife while promoting sustainability and an eco-friendly way of life that residents and visitors can enjoy.
Life at the foot of the Langeberg Mountains is unhurried and for those living in the area, outdoor activities feature high on the list of things to do in Swellendam. Both local and international visitors find the town appealing and deviating off the garden-route, or on the way to it, is well worth the time spent.
Unofficially the official faerie sanctuary of the Overberg, Swellendam has a lot to offer. Horse riding trails, national parks and nature reserves, as well as a museum dating way back to 1740-something, are all activities to keep you busy.
There is a wide selection of accommodation in Swellendam that includes both budget-friendly and no expenses spared resorts, guest farms, backpackers, lodges, B&Bs and self-catering homes. Whether you choose to stay in town or further afield in the surrounding countryside be sure to book a night or two so that you can experience the full effect of this magical haven.
All the fresh country air will definitely help you work up an appetite so a visit to one of the many restaurants in Swellendam where you can sample the best of local cuisine.
If you are in the market for property investments, the estate agents in Swellendam welcome you to give them a call so that they can show you around. A large database includes vacant plots of land, houses, shops and farms so there is sure to be something that will suit your taste and budget if you decide to move out to the country.
Swellendam Top Attractions
Discover the Top Attractions of Swellendam, the town situated at the foot of the Langeberg Mountain range. From dine dining to exploring nat...
Swellendam Galleries
Be inspired and browse through the Image & Video library to see the photos and videos that the Swellendam community shares. Select your inte...
Swellendam Tourism
Barrydale, Buffeljags, Infanta, Malgas, Stormsvlei, Suurbraak, Swellendam - all unique and all very, very beau...
Swellendam Tourism
- Tel 1: 028 514 8500
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