
Buffeljachts or Buffeljags is a town in the Overberg area of the Western Cape and forms part of the greater Swellendam area. The area itself is along a river and is most well known for the Buffeljags Dam, which is mainly used for irrigation in this predominantly agricultural region. The dam itself was built in 1967 and renovated in 1983.


Some historical landmarks in the Buffeljags area include the so-called “Sugar Bridge” which is named after the fact that sugar was put into the gypsum mix to prevent it from setting too quickly when constructing the sandstone bridge. As the Buffeljags River has a tendency to flood, serious consideration had to be given to the construction of the bridge, nonetheless it was completed in 1852.


Attractions in the Buffeljags area include several water activities as well as hiking and walking in and around the dam. With no currents, the dam is also an ideal place for canoeing. Various accommodation options are available in the area including family accommodation on the dam, rustic self-catering cabins and a historic homestead on a farm that has its own restaurant, museum and church. A new venture in the area is abalone farming which supports the local community through kelp collection as well as conservation efforts along the coast.