
26 October 2023: Update on Villierdorp Water Situation

26 October 2023: Update on Villierdorp Water Situation

Villiersdorp Tourism

26 October 2023: Update on Villierdorp Water Situation

Due to the continued extremely high consumption rate in Villiersdorp, our water plants have been unable to successfully keep up with the demand for water in the town. 

Over the past two months, various storms have hit the region in a short period of time and this has caused damage to our water infrastructure across all of our towns, but in Villiersdorp it has also had an impact on the water colour and quality in the Elandskloof dam, our main water source for the area. 

Due to extra debris in the Elandskloof dam caused by the recent mudslides and flooding events, a decision was made to not use the Elandskloof dam until the water has settled to avoid residents receiving discoloured water in their taps. 

However, as we have had to rely mainly on the mountain water that is in short supply, we have not been able to keep up with the high demand in the town and as a result many residents, especially those in the high-lying areas have experienced multiple water shortages over the last few weeks. 

This morning during an urgent management meeting over the water situation in Villiersdorp, it was decided that the water treatment staff will now make use of the Elandskloof dam water, which is highly discolored and residents are cautioned that the water will remain discolored until the dam has settled.  

We can, however, ensure residents that it is safe to drink.

Our sampling lab will continue to test and verify the safety of the water until the situation has returned to normal. 

As a precautionary measure, residents who feel unsure may boil the water prior to use.

Our teams are working around the clock to meet demand and ensure that all residents have water at all times. 

Due to the high consumption, our reservoirs have been depleted and residents across Villiersdorp will experience low to no water.  

Our water team will be closing our feeding dam to allow the reservoir capacity to build and stabilise and then open the feed to the network again. 

Trucks have been organised and will supply water to residents until the water supply has been restored.

Afrikaans Weergawe

Weens die voortgesette uiters hoë verbruiksyfer in Villiersdorp kon ons wateraanlegte nie suksesvol tred hou met die vraag na water in die dorp nie.

Die afgelope twee maande het verskeie storms die streek in 'n kort tydperk getref en dit het skade aan ons waterinfrastruktuur in al ons dorpe aangerig, maar in Villiersdorp het dit ook 'n impak gehad op die waterkleur en kwaliteit in die Elandskloofdam, ons hoofwaterbron vir die area.

Weens ekstra rommel in die Elandskloofdam wat deur die onlangse modderstortings en vloedgebeure veroorsaak is, is daar besluit om nie die Elandskloofdam te gebruik totdat die water gestabiliseer het nie, om te verhoed dat inwoners verkleurde water in hul krane kry.

Aangesien ons egter hoofsaaklik moes staatmaak op die bergwater wat 'n tekort het, kon ons nie tred hou met die groot aanvraag in die dorp nie en gevolglik het baie inwoners, veral dié in die hoogliggende gebiede verskeie watertekorte oor die afgelope paar weke ervaar.

Daar is vanoggend tydens 'n dringende bestuursvergadering oor die watersituasie in Villiersdorp besluit dat die waterbehandelingspersoneel nou van die Elandskloofdamwater, wat hoogs verkleur is, gebruik sal maak en inwoners word gewaarsku dat die water verkleur sal bly totdat die dam gestabiliseer het. 

Ons kan egter vir inwoners verseker dat dit veilig is om te drink.

Ons laboratorium sal voortgaan om die veiligheid van die water te toets en te verifieer totdat die situasie na normaal teruggekeer het.

As 'n voorsorgmaatreël mag inwoners wat onseker voel, die water voor gebruik kook.

Ons spanne werk hard om aan die vraag te voldoen en te verseker dat alle inwoners te alle tye water het.

Weens die hoë verbruik is ons reservoirs leeg en sal inwoners regoor Villiersdorp min tot geen water ervaar.

Ons waterspan sal ons voerdam toemaak sodat die reservoirkapasiteit kan bou en dan weer die toevoer na die netwerk oopmaak.

Watertrokke is gereël en sal water aan inwoners verskaf totdat die watertoevoer herstel is.

26 October 2023: Update on Villierdorp Water Situation

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